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    best seeds 4 small cupboard sog

    splitting the cubboard should at least be fine. as long as u can ensure the top 1/2 isnt going to come smashing down while you're not home.
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    thanks a lot. exactly what i was looking for.
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    ahahaha. i ment after it's all diluted* and stuff. could u put it in a spray bottle and just mist it in there, or pour it right onto the soil. i can't imagine standing in front of my plant, peeing on it.. lol
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    i watched the video, yesterday in fact, but just couldnt remember, and didnt want to wait for it to buffer just so i could watch a 2 minute part. the guy is really fun. i enjoyed it. thanks though
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    spray at night? or pour directly into pot? would the pee on the leaves cause brown spots?
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    the water cant just sit there. it has to be moving. if u have a small fountain or something, that would work great.
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    can someone draw a picture on ms paint, just where to cut in relation to the node? i read it over a few times, but still can't imagine it.
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    Who are you? a/s/l

    18/m/halifax, canada
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    When can i flower..!

    my plant is about 10" tall, with 6-7 nodes. should i just start 12/12 now? or keep vegging until it's 12"
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    male of female?? pic

    holy shit. seriously. how did you not notice this before?
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    Is this a HERMIE?

    i thought the seeds were either hermie or female, from a hermie plant. the gene is probably recessive..
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    Burned tips on one but not other...

    are they the same height?
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    sex separation

    alright. thanks a lot. :)
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    sex separation

    i can tell that i have at leats one female, and one male. the other two are still undetermined. should i separate that male ASAP, or will they be fine, together, until they're all ready?
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    Weed Smoke

    if your set-up is in the closet, and you're just smoking in the room with the closet closed, it should be fine. don't hotbox the closet though, lol.
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    Who's your favorite stoner celeb??

    louis armstrong
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    When to start flowering?

    for security reasons, they were just on my windowsil. but it's not an issue anymore. what sort of light do you recommend?
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    People bein assholes

    haha. i was quite disappointed..
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    When to start flowering?

    the tallest one is like 10". the others are like 5-7 though. i have 4. should i wait until they're all about 12"? i got them already growing. so i dont really know how old they are. the little one in the pill bottle is broken piece that came with them, so my my is re-rooting it or w/e
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    When to start flowering?

    i have like 4-5 nodes on my plants. should i start flowering them? this is my first time. kind of a project with my mom.