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  1. G

    My Latest Grow

    they are looking good :weed: its like theyre on on big growth spurt... thanks for the earlier update too :joint:
  2. G

    any skeletons in the closet?

    i want in :roll: :joint:
  3. G

    great indoor guide full dvd rip

    Mr. Green and Jorge's videos were some of the most helpful videos around that get pretty much all the basics covered and gets you started great vids to pass on. just like this j... :joint:
  4. G

    My Latest Grow

    rolla looking excellent man! cant wait to see their end days :weed: plus rep. and subscribed :joint:
  5. G

    just started flowering

    haha thats a good kind of ass kicking when those harvest pics gunna be coming up?! looking good :weed:
  6. G

    Will I be successful

    naw i know. i knew he was referring to him so no worries :peace: have you started your grow yet tho? :joint:
  7. G

    Will I be successful

    You wont find much support from anywhere
  8. G

    No money but tons of weed

    4.20 did just past... baz you probably were like :weed: then :shock:
  9. G

    Just Given A Holla Out

    thanks man! :joint: your right about that. so far its been making out to be that way
  10. G

    Just Given A Holla Out

    Btw manny - just realized you gave me a rep :D . dont really get the whole rep thing yet haha but i think i gave you a rep point back :blsmoke: :joint:
  11. G

    Just Given A Holla Out

    just throwin some love out there to riu! :weed: :joint:
  12. G

    Proper Way to Germinate?

    it takes 2-3 days for the germinated seed to sprout?! :-| i just went ahead and put em under light 1 23watt 6500k cfl for now how much should i water? always thanks for the help :joint:
  13. G

    Will This Light Be Enough?

    i have the germinated seeds in the soil as of now waiting for them to sprout :weed: i pretty much do have the 23 watt cfl. in the next couple of days i should be getting 2 43 watt since it is wt im restricted to for now
  14. G

    Token Paraplegic's Grow Thread Updated Every 12 Hours!

    wtf happened to isabell? we never got to see the end results... :-| new seedling is looking like its getting a good start. wats the strain?
  15. G

    Proper Way to Germinate?

    ok so heres the new happenings. a group of seeds finally germinated. have the soil all ready in 16 oz cups. soil is moist. put em in root down a centimeter or 2 down. how long should it take to sprout? do i store them in dark light or does it matter? thanks riu :joint:
  16. G

    Proper Way to Germinate?

    haha nice. i love pie and its simple. if these dont sprout then ill just do that :joint:
  17. G

    Proper Way to Germinate?

    mother nature is always a way to go how important is it that i can em in a warm spot cause i dont really have anywhere that is. just at room temp... still none germinated btw
  18. G


    the same exact thing happened one time! it was pretty much the exact same situation. there were 3 of us and we hit Purple Sticky 29x tho n rounds. me and one friend somehow ended up getting pissed at eachother cause just like you said it got us irritated an pissed we almost started throwing...
  19. G

    New Pots?

    if your religious you get em? :shock:
  20. G

    check it out

    man i am looking at this pretty baked and its looking real tight regardless :weed: sublime i picked up on the same thing... :bigjoint: