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  1. G

    Someone Dispell my worries please!!

    killing would be a bit extreme. it would take a lot and a lot of you doing nothing abt it. you can get bad batches definately but if and when you do, if it calls for it, you get your stomach pumped soon after you realize their bad shrooms
  2. G

    New Pots?

    im no expert for sho but the aluminum foil could create hot spots esp being so close and right up under it. although, not sure wat air flow you have going on so that would be a factor to go along with that
  3. G

    Will This Light Be Enough?

    dont mind the thread above. definately messed that one up :grin: i carelessly mis-read and saw 3500k BUT IT IS 6500K DAYLIGHT just to clear it up thanks guys keep it going the joint that is :-o :joint:
  4. G

    Will This Light Be Enough?

    so the 3500k i have right now wont be as effective? you say 6500k is daylight? on the label for the light i have it said 3500k daylight so does this mean its lying and its not really daylight? or can a 3500k still have a daylight spectrum regardless?
  5. G

    Is the legalization of Marijuana really worth it?

    word and well said puff puff :joint:
  6. G

    Proper Way to Germinate?

    man thats gunna seem like a long time...
  7. G

    Will This Light Be Enough?

    in the first thread if you saw it, it says enough for the sprout... I know ill need to upgrade lights i was just wondering how long it is till i need to do so. it seems to be abt 1 to 2 weeks?
  8. G

    Proper Way to Germinate?

    True that BigBudBalls. btw i love the name. makes me chuckle for some reason what if i cant get the temp to 90, but can they still sprout in around about lets say 74?
  9. G

    Will This Light Be Enough?

    For how long would you say until i needed to add another or more? Or how long until i need to switch over to a MH? (i would say HPS but dont have the money for it :-|)
  10. G


    I ponder that same thing
  11. G


    Agreed. Its different with everyone. When i did 10x i enjoyed the experience of it and wanted to do it again. So next time i tried it was 29x and for the most part i didnt really enjoy it this time. one one to put it is it wasnt really a bad trip but for sho not a good one. Guess the...
  12. G

    Proper Way to Germinate?

    so just plop those suckers right in the soil and itll work?
  13. G

    Will This Light Be Enough?

    I have 1 75W (uses only 20W) CFL over 1 or 2 plants in a 2 1/2 x 4 space. 1150 lumens EDIT: 6500k - daylight (not 3500k my bad. i knew there was something wrong when i put together 3500k and daylight :smile: ) Will this be ok for sprouting and maybe some of the veg stage? thanks in...
  14. G

    Proper Way to Germinate?

    can be that hard can it? how are you suppose to handle it?
  15. G

    Just How Important is CO2?

    what is the right NPK for the sprout to grow in? and then for the veg stage? thanks for the replies so far pass this on... :joint:
  16. G

    Proper Way to Germinate?

    should i be worrying if the seeds havent germinated yet? i have some in just a cup of water and some in a paper towel wrapped up and in a dark place. its been abt 25 hours now .... man am i high :joint:
  17. G

    Just How Important is CO2?

    do you know if that have that at Lowes or not? ive also read that Fox Farm something Forrest is a good soil to use... and Scotts? as far as the co2 i found an easy homemade set up im gunna try using
  18. G

    Just Given A Holla Out

    thanks for the welcomes. so far loving it
  19. G

    Just How Important is CO2?

    as cheap and easy as that homemade co2 rig seems i think ill try that route out. thanks for the link jeffdog thanks for the help so far guys
  20. G

    Proper Way to Germinate?

    i put the seeds in a wet paper towel then a plastic bad folded and taped and put in a dark spot. this was at 11 last night so hopefully they will be germinating in not to long. there arent any problems if i check up on it every to often or is that kinda disturbing or bothersome to it?