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  1. Crimble

    Led Users Unite!

    "spectral bands you think are so important are useless to plants." THAT IS FALSE INFORMATION YOU ARE SPREADING, ALL wavelengths are important to plant growth, go back and don't just read what a website tells you, do your OWN research, Even Green, YES GREEN is an important spectrum for the...
  2. Crimble

    A real led discussion

    I just saw one of those Kessil unit at my local store, they look cool enough, wonder if they can offer enough sub light.
  3. Crimble

    Led Users Unite!

    bongsmilie bwahahaha, spelling IS NOT my strong point tahts for sure, could be also the huge amounts of cannabis I smoke. No I'm not a salesman AT ALL, thats what my father did for a living and I will never do go there, maybe I sound like a salesman because I love their products so much. nor do...
  4. Crimble

    Led Users Unite!

    I would NEVER buy anything off of E-bay or Amazon if you can't return it to the dealer for repairs or customer service or upgrades, don't trust them. Those panels look cheep, kinda only good for supplemental lighting at best imho, those panels are cheep, so you get what you pay for. People...
  5. Crimble

    LED users or veterans out there?

    Try the 5 band from GROWL LED,, they have really great lights with a really great reputation for Customer Service and great products!
  6. Crimble

    A real led discussion

    The reason Stealth Grow had the string go out on the unit is because they use a cheaper version in their manufacturing process in China, if you look into the units that Stealth Grow sells, they use Glue in places where components should be bolted. Its a cost saving method but it results in these...
  7. Crimble

    Led Users Unite!

    "yes lets all go out and pay 2k for our led's crimble YAY how about NO sir.... There are equivalent products out there for cheaper do some more research im sure those work good but.... why spend 2k when you can spend 3 or 4 hundred bucks" Please show me a site or an ad in a publication...
  8. Crimble

    Lemon Skunk Clones take how long to root????????????????????????????? HELP!!!!!!!

    Hi don, I just have white LED lights that I hang about 6inches away from my dome. I cut the perspective clone at a 45 degree angle, I dip it right away in Olivia's Gel, shave the end down to expose the white innner area, slice the bottom in 4's, and place again in olivias gel, place in Rapid...
  9. Crimble

    Led Users Unite!

    "6 of one half dozen if the other buddy, dont make the commom mistake most people seem to when lookinng at led's and lights in particular... dont overthink and overcomplicate it too much, find a quality reputable light with proven results and good customer service, get it, grow with it and IF...
  10. Crimble

    LED USERS 1watt vs 3watt bulbs and higher bulbs...whats your take?

    "LEDs but i don't agree or understand how 3 1watt bulbs could penetrate deeper than 1 3watt bulb." Hi Solarguy, great pics BTW - Think of Canopy penetration in the way of a piece of cardboard covering over your garden. Based on light getting through to the bottom of your garden, would a 3W...
  11. Crimble

    Lemon Skunk Clones take how long to root????????????????????????????? HELP!!!!!!!

    My LS roots in about 14 days with a humidity dome, always.
  12. Crimble

    Anybody Listen To Ambient Music?

    Just the set from Lemon Wheel, because I was there.
  13. Crimble

    spider mites?! crop in danger. are these mites?

    I don't see evidence of mite but just to be safe, you should spray Neem Oil everyother day for nthe next 3 weeks or so and everything SHOULD be OK.
  14. Crimble

    LED USERS 1watt vs 3watt bulbs and higher bulbs...whats your take?

    NO WAY DO 3W LED's GIVE MORE PAR THEN 3 @ 1W LED'S Always go w/ more 1W LED's then 3W or 6W, the math is simple. In terms of Measurable Usable light for the human Eye or Plant, a 3 watt LED will not produce more than 3 @ 1w, its something close like each 3W produces 285 of x (where x = a...
  15. Crimble

    Growtronix Computer Monitoring System?

    High, I just found this site on google and this is what I have been looking for! Do any of you have this toy? Is it worth it? Are their any other manufactures that make a better product? Thank you in advance for the info if ya got it!:peace:
  16. Crimble

    How to get resin off your hands?

    Go to NAPA Auto Parts and get the Orange Cleaner stuff, (without the pumice in it) its the best to remove ANYTHING. Go to Wallgreens and get rubbing alcohol, but not Isoprophal, you are looking for ETHYL alcohol, right next to the Isopro, this stuff is amazing! Its more of a medical grade for...
  17. Crimble

    Led Users Unite!

    Pure - I would say that those bud site under the LED are not getting enough wattage, the Growl LED lights have a large spectrum and they don't seem to promote that kind of growth.
  18. Crimble

    LED Light Users. Please Click Here!

    Sorry Karr I was posting a quoter from ghostuk and I guess I don't know how to use the Quote features, I was responding to that post.
  19. Crimble

    LED Light Users. Please Click Here!

    "i have just start'd testing some L.E.D grow lights...! and i am sorry to say ...i am not very happy with them so far . growth seems to be very slow.dont get me wrong ,she is growing but no where near as fast as the girl under 300w lights.i dont see wot all the fuss is about L.E.D's...?if any...
  20. Crimble

    the LED UFO grow light

    Go with Growl LED, I love them, check out their face book they have real pictures of very successful grows from start to finish. I have personally had 5 successful harvests with JUST Growl LED and I would never go back to growing w/ HID lights. Let the haters hate, its just like computers in the...