Search results

  1. Crimble

    Lemon Skunk

    Well, I guess I should send an update on my Lemon Skunk Seeds from Jordan of the Isles from Vancouver. I germinated 5 of the 10 we purchased, and 4 cracked open. Included are the pictures of the four. I have to say these genetics are amazing, now having grow from seed and cloned from...
  2. Crimble

    LED grow panels

    Look into Growl LED Panels, they are the best on the market IMHO. Some people just can't or don't want to use HID lights, LED's DO WORK, youjust need to do some things differently to get great results.
  3. Crimble

    Best Lighting For Vegging??

    I would go with ALL Blue LED's from Growl LED. no way would I EVER use MH EVER! LED's for VEG. are the way to grow.
  4. Crimble

    Figure This Led Haters

    "True or not, LEDS are EXPENSIVE!!!" True and False I would say. TRUE LED's are more expensive at the start when you buy just one, but with GrowlLED I know for a fact if ya buy in bulk the costs reduce substantially, however after about 6 months of getting a $100 electric bill, comparing to...
  5. Crimble

    LED Light Users. Please Click Here!

    Repvip - my guess is that is just rapid growth, all is well my friend. I get that too, on the higher parts of my plants (growing scrog) I see light green areas but within a day or two, they turn as dark as the rest of the plant, all seems good to me. Callofthein... Check out the Growl site ...
  6. Crimble

    Leaves are curling, is this a problem?

    "i was just going to say something about the LED lights too, but maybe you could use some cfls or even a MH and use the led as complementary side lighting" Nope :) I grow with LED, not ever going back to HID lights (I'm growing for me only so no need for HID's, I love my LED's and my $70...
  7. Crimble

    Leaves are curling, is this a problem?

    HI everyone, I searched the threads and I can't seem to find an answer to my "problem" that my garden is starting to show in the last day or 2. I'm on week 5 and everythying is going very nicely but in the last day or 2 I have been noticing some of the leaves on my buds are curling. I'm...
  8. Crimble

    Looking to Purchase 300w LED

    Check out GROWl LED, that is the company I trust, I can say 100% they are a home grown American company that is not out of China or somewhere else. They have great products, they can help you on the phone when you call, they are doing things the right way (getting good reviews and advertising in...
  9. Crimble

    LED Light Users. Please Click Here!

    Wow, seems like this thread got lost in the shuffle. So, to update my results; We harvested on Winter Solstice (hippies), during my first grow I was using LED's for the 1st time, a new room for the 1st time, a new strain, and new food, so I was really dealing with allot of things to figure...
  10. Crimble

    LED lights from HTG supply-Anyone have any experience with them?

    Sorry for not getting back sooner, been doing allot of stuff and not on the web as if late. EdGreyfox - I don't have a "problem" with the flower models so to speak, but more time and "fine tuning" needs to be done for me to say that a flower LED model can replace an HPS. I WILL say that for MH...
  11. Crimble

    300w-600w Growl Mastiff LED panels?

    GROWL is a great company! Steph and Jason are doing things the right way, they care, they are real people that you can talk to here in 'merica with any problems or ideas you might have. I am on round 2 with my LED's (all from GROWL, some 90Wht and some 120Wht flower models) and all I can say is...
  12. Crimble

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Up here in the boat, all LED, everything is great!
  13. Crimble

    Should replace 'Marijuana' with 'Cannabis'?

    agreed completely.... marijuana is a DEROGATORY slang term.... no such plant exists...
  14. Crimble

    LED GROW, 13 days into flowering.

    I use GROWL LED'S I love them. For VEG and FLOWER, some more work in the flower dept fo sho, but they can produce TIGHT DANK BUDS.
  15. Crimble

    i want stinky weed

    No one seems to be telling the poster the answer to his question... In my experience, this is what I do for the most part: Cut off the branches that have buds Remove all fan laves and trim leaves that are protruding off the buds Hang the branches from a hanger in a dark closet, circulate the...
  16. Crimble

    LED lights from HTG supply-Anyone have any experience with them?

    I would go with GROWL LED, I have NOTHING To do with this company but I use their products and NOTHING can beat a ALL BLUE LED for VEG. As for flower, still need some time...
  17. Crimble

    Grandma's Unsulphured Molasses

    " i dont get it? why does everyone say it takes awhile for it to dissolve...i pour it in..shake it real good...then BAM its dissolved in less then 20 seconds..." My guess is that keeping the Molasses at a warm temp will help dissolve it in the water, also keep the water at a warm(er) temp than...
  18. Crimble

    Please tell me all you can about Spidermites!! Rep ^^

    Neem Oil will "stop" them for a "lil" while, but if you aren't too far into flowering, get yourself some Pyrethrum ("pie-wreath-rum") Bombs - Pyrethrum is a natural insecticide made from the flowers of certain species of the chrysanthemum plant. It is a mixture of several different compounds...
  19. Crimble

    LED Light Users. Please Click Here!

    ha ha ha, yeah the Christmas lights do nothing, I had this idea to use lights instead of netting but it wasn't strong enough, so now they are there just to make me feel good :)
  20. Crimble

    LED Light Users. Please Click Here!

    "At this point, the conversation is what benefit if any is there in using led at all, whatsoever. LEDS ARE NOT A 400 WATT OR 600WATT MH OR HPS REPLACEMENT. " fallinghigh you are wrong on that. I can say 100% that you can veg 12 new clones in 3 gal. bags with a 90w, all blue VEG LED...