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  1. Sorklaoter

    just toooook soomme shroooms

    They were the craziest batch of Psilocybes I've ever seen. And we all love shooms (my friends and I) but there was just something about that batch that made everyone trip super hard. My other friends ate 2 grams and were freaking out cause they thought they destroyed the house and I went in and...
  2. Sorklaoter

    Dmt while on LSD

    DMT seems more intense while NOT on acid then it does on acid. At least to me. I think it has something to do with the fearless and confident mindset a good trip puts me in
  3. Sorklaoter

    just toooook soomme shroooms

    Some people are different. Plus, I have a friend who acted completely insane off an eighth of really good shrooms. This is probably the most level-headed person I know. He was fine on 9 hits of strong acid over the course of a day but those shrooms made him strip naked, speak in tongues, spit...
  4. Sorklaoter

    ShapeShifting ....

    Beautiful. I like how it started off looking like a car commercial and then it was the exact opposite
  5. Sorklaoter

    Music... Does anyone produce, create, DJ, and Mix music?

    This is my band's fucked up avant-garde experimental psychedelic noise rock bgpa-uf7PH8
  6. Sorklaoter

    Legit reason for possesing 2c-i

    2c-b and 2c-e are classic though.
  7. Sorklaoter

    Legit reason for possesing 2c-i

    2c-i, 2c-p and 2c-d are the ones I haven't tried. I heard 2c-i is mild compared to b and e but it's still real nice, and as for the other 2 haven't heard much
  8. Sorklaoter

    time non existent

    The mass awakening is slowly happening anyway, it is inevitable as people start to realize more and more the error of their ways because of hard physical consequences (destruction of Earth for personal gain). And honestly, if it is too late for them they'll still realize it, it just may be in...
  9. Sorklaoter

    time non existent

    I'd say whatever you choose to believe and whatever happens, you shouldn't fight it but rather learn to go with it and accept it if it's something beyond your control. DMT really helped me see that, I mean I can't attribute that to DMT alone but it is definitely some kind of affirmation like that
  10. Sorklaoter

    Legit reason for possesing 2c-i

    poifect! But isn't 2c-B like a schedule 1 controlled substance?
  11. Sorklaoter

    False MDMA

    It didn't really smell like ammonia, it had some kinda smell I could only describe as the smell of bitterness, but it was real strong. Anyway I think it was mephedrone but this dumb bitch won't accept that. She just can't believe that her "wonderful drug dealer" would do something like...
  12. Sorklaoter

    What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

    May as well grind some amphetamine tablets into a bottle of wine, then at least the stimulant part would be stronger. Wouldn't be too good for ya but to each their own
  13. Sorklaoter

    Legit reason for possesing 2c-i

    You could say you're a chem student, and that you're doing research on the molecular structures and effects of these drugs and their possible benefits. Say you're using them on rats. I don't think you'd have to prove it but if you did and you're not actually a chem student you could be fucked.
  14. Sorklaoter

    False MDMA

    yeah tell me about it. 2cb burns like a bitch but it sure does help one stretch out their 2cb
  15. Sorklaoter

    False MDMA

    whatever was in there though, the burn definitely overpowered the numb but they were both noticable
  16. Sorklaoter

    eating a 10 strip and playing god

    I have plans to eat a 10 strip in the summertime once I get a couple sheets, I've already started a summer fund :)
  17. Sorklaoter

    False MDMA

    yeah it was definitely an RC and yeah you're right, I forgot about all the other caines
  18. Sorklaoter

    Getting High off of Nutmeg?

    yeah, fatty deposits on the liver...not good
  19. Sorklaoter

    Opinions On Nutmeg High?

    I remember coming up was an awesome feeling at least for me but then it gets old after about 3 hours and for it it lasted about 70 hours and took 7 hours to kick in which just goes to show that my body was NOT meant to handle that shit cause it took such a ridiculous amount of time to metabolize...
  20. Sorklaoter

    Opinions On Nutmeg High?

    Not worth it, puked on my new shoes, got too fucked up for 3 days and worried that I might have retarted myself. Felt pretty delerious and had bad dry mouth. Took a whopping dose each time...did it twice. It's like trying to choke back nasty bitter sand. Now I can't fucking stand any foods with...