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  1. Sorklaoter

    TeH List v2

    I just don't feel like getting banned
  2. Sorklaoter

    TeH List v2

    I'm good. That info can be found elsewhere
  3. Sorklaoter

    how does cigarette smoke compare to weed smoke concerning biases, reality

    And marijuana does not contain carpet glue. Cigarettes (at least in the state I live in, I dunno if it's nationwide yet) are mandated by law to contain bands of ethylene vinyl acetate in the paper as a fire retardant. They call them "fire safe cigarettes" because if you don't hit the cigarettes...
  4. Sorklaoter

    TeH List v2

    I dunno, I was just saying since 5-MeO was brought up that I failed an extraction of it once and that's why I havent tried it yet. But hell I've started discussions with people that ended nowhere near where they started so anything is possible.
  5. Sorklaoter

    TeH List v2

    I attempted a 5-MeO extraction once from reed canarygrass, but I either did something wrong or misidentified the grass cause i ended up with a bunch of really thick yellowish greenish emulsion that WOULD NOT dissolve no matter what
  6. Sorklaoter

    Well I need a smoke

    Are your cigarettes FSC? Where I live it's mandated for "fire safety reasons" (because apparently drunken idiots fall asleep with a cig in their hand and burn their house down commonly) that cigarettes have a few bands of a fire retardant material embedded in the paper. It's only a thin layer...
  7. Sorklaoter

    how does cigarette smoke compare to weed smoke concerning biases, reality

    Either way if marijuana gives me cancer I can get a med card and smoke legally. Ironic huh?
  8. Sorklaoter

    how does cigarette smoke compare to weed smoke concerning biases, reality

    I haven't seen the study myself but read about it in the 3rd Cannabible my Jason King. He dedicated a whole section to it. But who knows, he could be a big fat liar.
  9. Sorklaoter

    how does cigarette smoke compare to weed smoke concerning biases, reality

    just realized nobody has said anything here in months haha
  10. Sorklaoter

    how does cigarette smoke compare to weed smoke concerning biases, reality

    Minus the whole cancer thing, because in order for carcinogens in smoke to be active they have to be activated by an enzyme found in your body. THC negates that enzyme and makes it unable to break down the carcinogens and make them cancerous. That's why you don't hear about people who smoke ONLY...
  11. Sorklaoter

    Well I need a smoke

    I just quit a few months ago because I couldn't take it any more, and boy does my chest and lungs feel better...Smoke plenty of nice buds that make ya cough your brains out because after you quit smoking cigs your lungs spend quite a bit of time healing themselves and expectorating all the nasty...
  12. Sorklaoter

    Contaminated weed, any use?

    yeah I wouldn't risk doing anything with that sheeit
  13. Sorklaoter

    TeH List v2

    I think he meant a combination of 5MeO and 2ci...which kinda does sound terrible from what i've heard, although I wouldn't know from first hand experience
  14. Sorklaoter

    Contaminated weed, any use?

    Haha that would be sad though
  15. Sorklaoter

    Contaminated weed, any use?

    I think it's to make less crystally weed look more crystally. I was on one of these threads once and someone posted a picture of some weed they said was sprayed. I think they were in Britain or Ireland or somewhere in the UK and honestly if I didn't know any better I'd say the weed in that pic...
  16. Sorklaoter

    Contaminated weed, any use?

    Seriously fucked up man. Why is this so common in Europe?
  17. Sorklaoter

    Contaminated fungi!!!

    I've found quite a few before but it's been a while. I know of a secret spot where many grow every year:) hehe I discovered it by accident while looking for other types of fungi. People around here get territorial and secretive about their spots too, there's a lot of fanatics. I remember walking...
  18. Sorklaoter

    TeH List v2

    Ah, well fuck that haha poor quality drugs suck
  19. Sorklaoter

    Contaminated fungi!!!

    Is that first one a morel? You find those here in the early summer, they taste like steak when sauteed...fucking delicious
  20. Sorklaoter


    I remember a trip where I saw a manifestation of the Cosmic Being, a representation of everything that ever was and ever will be, wearing my life as a jacket. Very weird and hard to explain. It then unzipped this jacket and I too was unzipped (this zipper shit happens to me a lot with salvia)...