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  1. leviathon713


    Sorry, my eyes are a little worn out, lol. My personal opinion (whatever it's worth) is that transferring pollen by hand can be much less effective because of the chemistry of sweat, natural oils, etc. That could be why not so many... That comes from experience pollinating plants on purpose...
  2. leviathon713

    please help don't know what happened/pics

    Just keep in mind, if that happened overnight, how soon it needs to be done.
  3. leviathon713

    please help don't know what happened/pics

    That's strange, that seems a little far away, especially to be damaging plants. If you're only using flours. they don't put off that much heat...
  4. leviathon713

    please help don't know what happened/pics

    OK, on a separate note, you may wanna be a little more careful with your camera if your going to have pics like that on it. Just a thought...
  5. leviathon713


    Not really a good enough picture to be able to tell anything. Try taking close up of the stem where the pollen sacks would be next time. Looks nice and healthy though. How long was that plant in flower at the time of the pic?
  6. leviathon713

    A question of ethics...

    A question of ethics... Lets say you live out in the country (US) in the middle of nowhere. You find a plant on your property that someone has obviously tried to hide, but has made a piss poor attempt. Also the plant has been poorly cared for and you know you can save it. Do you take the...
  7. leviathon713

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    LOL! That's awesome! :lol:
  8. leviathon713

    please help don't know what happened/pics

    You are very lucky. I would go ahead and get that ventilation work done ASAP. Just out of curiosity, do you see any reason why that one plant burned and the rest didn't? Was just that one too close to a light? For the most part, heat is a common sense issue, what conditions did that one...
  9. leviathon713


    Yes, your plant (if a herm.) will totally pollinate itself. It is a reaction of nature to ensure that the plant continues to survive in less than optimal conditions when others are dying. MJ plants don't care where the pollen comes from, just so long as it is MJ pollen. Edit: I just...
  10. leviathon713


    I'm definitely a Bob Ross fan, but hasn't Bill Already won, you know, being alive and all. :lol:
  11. leviathon713

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Ditto. When you're drinking, you toast. Whatever the herbal equivalent of that is to ya!
  12. leviathon713


    Yes. I don't mean to sound like a dick, but is there any other way to get seeds (without pollen, I mean)? The pistils of the female are very sensitive to pollen. If you can see ANY evidence of it, rest assured it's already pollinated some of your plant. Edit: Are they a good strain, perhaps...
  13. leviathon713

    please help don't know what happened/pics

    It looks to me like it was hotter than Hell (general temps, or too close to lights maybe?) wherever they were, and they got baked (not the good kind)...
  14. leviathon713

    Girl or Weed?

    I agree with NewGrowth, you don't want to change for a woman. I ended up divorced because of differences like weed (my ex-wife stopped smoking it and went all ape-shit). Then we split up and I thought the world was going to end. Now I have a girl who smokes just as much as I do, and I have...
  15. leviathon713

    Greatest song of all-time?

    Didn't think anyone would beat me to that one... Second place in my book would be Yanni - The rain must fall. I would hardly put Yanni in the same category as Mozart, but I think it's very good (I also really like Karen Briggs the violin player)...
  16. leviathon713

    how many days have been stoned for?

    I would, but I'm not really very good at random self-factual announcements, lol. I respond better to questions. I'm also not trying to Hijack Corbat's thread, either.
  17. leviathon713

    U can smoke with anyone...who?

    The Dalai Lama (or Dhali Lama, depending) is the only one I seem to be able to settle on...
  18. leviathon713

    how many days have been stoned for?

    I have been smoking for just shy of fifteen years, all the time. The few jobs I have needed to work, I have always found somewhere to smoke (parking lot, vehicle, whatever). I'm a bit of a special case though, I think. I stopped taking medication years ago for anxiety, I just smoke all the...
  19. leviathon713

    best song about weed?

    Marijuanaville (Parody of Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville)
  20. leviathon713

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    So true! It's surprising to hear other people say the same thing. When I talk to my friends back home, they don't understand why I'd ever want to come back. I wasn't sure if there were other people that understood. My fiancee was born in the south, I can't wait to take her up there! Edit...