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  1. 4

    Nor-Cal Outdoor Timing Question?

    yeah since im a newb and this is only my second grow ive never grown these strains before so i have no idea but they looked like they were getting alot of hairs so i got scared and threw em inside lol also i think having a light in my yard would just bring attention i didnt need from neighbors...
  2. 4

    Nor-Cal Outdoor Timing Question?

    well i made up my mind and decided to put em in pots and bring em inside for a few weeks till the lights just right outside also we have a really crappy storm rollin through right now lots of rain wind and cold weather so figured this was better but my question is ? now that i have them inside...
  3. 4

    Nor-Cal Outdoor Timing Question?

    yeah thanks guys ill probably just put some sort of light out there for a few weeks just to make sure they dont flower to soon there about 6-8 inches tall and im seeing some hairs on them already does hairs at such a young age mean they have started to go to flower or is it just me being...
  4. 4

    Nor-Cal Outdoor Timing Question?

    yikes!!! so if i dig em back up and put em in pots and bring em in and put them under lights at nght time how long do i need it on ?? till midnight like yours? and also if i do this will they go back to the veg stage if they have already started the flowering ? oh also if i leave em outside...
  5. 4

    Nor-Cal Outdoor Timing Question?

    my question is when is the best time to put the girls outside i got some clones for my medical garden 2x purple dragon 2zgreen thai dragon and 1x gran daddy purple and 1x bubba kush and ive had them in the ground for about a week but one of my buddy's said that i put them out to early and i...
  6. 4

    SJ Bay Area new outdoor method during these wet times

    haha nice yeah the weather sucks in nor-cal these days good luck
  7. 4

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    subscribed!! good luck and stay safe on the ladder this year :)
  8. 4

    Caterpillars spreading very quick!!!

    wish mine were just chillin on top lol after reading threads all day i think mine are budworms damn!! i got scared so i pulled one of my girls early today(mendo purple) on the left in the pic just to make sure i had some herb even if its a little premature id say i lost a couple ounces atleast...
  9. 4

    Caterpillars spreading very quick!!!

    this is my first outdoor grow and everything was fine till last week i noticed one green caterpillar making a home in one of my buds cliped the bud off killed the little bastard now all of a sudden since then everyday i find a new bud with rot and little black/brown caterpillars inside and...
  10. 4

    Budworm eggs or something else?

    i have those two and dont know what they are and i have a huge caterpillar problem hopefully someone has the answer im curious
  11. 4

    direct sunlight vs indirect sunlight

    kinda on the same subject but a little different i only have 2 girls and the forcast called for rain here so i put up a 10'x10' camping canopy over them to avoid mold and loosing branches cause of water weight canopy has an 8' center and slopes down to 6' around the edges both girls are about 6'...
  12. 4

    Who in California Got Rain Tonight?

    shook the rain off mine this mornin sun came up and they seemed to perk right up happy as could be i did loose one branch though cause of the weight but it was a lower one so no worries could have been alot worse:wink:
  13. 4

    Who in California Got Rain Tonight?

    not sure how much we got but it was comin down pretty good for a few hours here in chico and looks like it rained more after i went to bed i didnt have any thing to cover my girls :( i just had to go out and shake some of the water off a couple times when it stopped raining for a minute so i...
  14. 4

    Rain outdoor plants

    damn im in norcal and we got a few hours of heavy rain today i was worried about the same thing i went out in the rain to give them a gentle shake in the middle of the storm because the branches were lookin way too heavy but thank god none broke off lol but would it be good to cover them if i...
  15. 4

    New Guy From Cali

    well thank you and thank you :)
  16. 4

    New Guy From Cali

    hello everyone love the site lots of good info on here im a mm patient workin on my first outdoor grow its gettin there and lookin healthy only have two this time due to lack of space and there growing into eachother and if i tie them over they,ll be visible to others so i just let em do there...
  17. 4

    Killfaces' 2010 Guerrilla Season

    damn that sux i saw about 10 of the same suv's one with a big black trailer behind it and a couple sheriff suv's and a whole gang of people wearing camo pants and green shirts walking down a trail in a turnout on highway 70 by the polga bridge in norcal between oroville and quincy ca and it...