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  1. D

    Best place to buy seeds in the USA

    James Bean co is supposed to be great.
  2. D

    True north seedbank beware!

    Heard mixed reviews. They have a store front nearby but I look at their prices and have to ask myself why would anyone ever order from them? Seriously overpriced stuff. Theirs a little store in town that orders from them too so I guess they are legit but again, they are out to lunch on their...
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    Jordan of the islands

    It's nice being able to order from him directly. His stuff is really fresh. I can't counch for the final product just yet but i wouldn't hesitate to order from him again.
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    Jordan of the islands

    Odd he got back to me very promptly. My package was taking so long to get here I thought it was lost. He offered to send me another free . Would have bought a couple more packs as I'd feel bad but luckily it came in a couple days later and with a very generous bonus. Ill be ordering again no...
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    Jordan of the islands

    Haha I'm growing some Jah gear too. I have tad o purps ((ISS x Purps) x ISS) and tad o Blue Godiss ((blue god x ISS)x ISS). Doing very well especially considering its a buck a seed.
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    Jordan of the islands

    Just flipped last week. Yeah, that's gonna be a pretty one. Looks like you got a gem.
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    Jordan of the islands

    Damn purple already? Gonna be honest, the red pheno shown on Joti's website is what sold me on the strain. Hopefully you get that one. That's what I'm searching for.
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    Jordan of the islands

    Odd he got back to me very promptly. My package was taking so long to get here I thought it was lost. He offered to send me another free . Would have bought a couple more packs as I'd feel bad but luckily it came in a couple days later and with a very generous bonus. Ill be ordering again...
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    Jordan of the islands

    I was so close to getting this one. Looks like I'll be making an order soon. Nice to hear some updates on Joti's gear. Seems his new stuff is fire.
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    Jordan of the islands

    Hmm I'll be keeping a close eye. Thanks for the heads up. So far his black Garlic is growing the fastest by far but God bud is notoriously small and squat so no surprise there. The gods prime glue was a little finicky but they look solid now as does the gods Dosi pie
  11. D

    THE SHIT LIST ......

    Good point. I bought some TGA gear from Hemp Depot and the Jack Skellington was a total bust. Seeds were old af and only 2 of the 11 popped. Both males... The other pack was a bit better with 5 of 7 making it but I've usually had 99 percent success rate in the past. Was very dissapointed...
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    If you need more heat you could always run some Vero C's really hard.
  13. D

    Aero with seperate res tank

    So I had a little mess and water nutrient solution leaked all over the floor but this should give you the general idea. I basically bought a dart frog misting system from mist king. It even came with a repeat cycle timer. Got the manifold and the 4 way nozzles to keep things simple as well as...
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    Aero with seperate res tank

    I'll take some for you tomorrow morning. Like you, I was fascinated by Aero and wanted to be on the cutting edge. My system isn't pretty and I have a few kinks to work out but it's simple, reliable and extremely effective. I have a feeling it's exactly what you are picturing making.
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    Please help my ph problem

    Well said. I think he's getting the hang of it.
  16. D

    Aero with seperate res tank

    That's what I do. I'll take pics TN and show you
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    Please help my ph problem

    Seems to me like overwatering may have been the issue. Add to that low humidity plus high temps as well as the pests and yeah, it's likely that they may have been stressed. More often than not, it's the simple things that cause the problem. Glad to see that the plants are rebounding...
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    Please help my ph problem

    Don't listen to him your lights are great.
  19. D

    Please help my ph problem

    It seems fine. 150 ppm is quite good. Lead is never good for us humans but it's in super low quantities. I'm assuming it's just present because your water is slightly acidic and it's leaching off pipes. Seeing as your plants are doing well, I'd keep status quo. Just keep an eye one em. It...
  20. D

    Micronutrients and acids

    I haven't had to clean anything since getting it though that could be due to the filter plus running some hydrogen peroxide. The system has been super reliable overall. I don't think any inorganic liquid supplement would hurt. What about foliar spray? Or if I were running DWC/Ebb system?