Search results

  1. Swisher Sweet

    Clones and Transplanting?

    I am using a cloner (not aerobic but similar in terms of the use of water as the medium). This is my first time cloning in something different than soil. I realize the longer you leave them the stronger the root mass. However, how should you judge the time to transplant using root growth as a...
  2. Swisher Sweet

    New user with pictures!

    Strains, So many! Is it good? Thats all that matters unless you want to be a geneologist or botonist. So many mixed strains now as well. Your plants look healthyand green ( certainly enough Nitrogen). They don't appear to be very tall plants. I cut bottom branches throough flowering but not...
  3. Swisher Sweet

    Looking for advices for my 2nd grow... Mainly about nutes!

    First things first! Make sure you get rid of any hint of males Hermies or not. If you have seeds you have a problem. We all dream of huge yields and that will come with knowledge (I'm learning that myself and there is always more). An ounce a plant is pretty good to average for your first grow...
  4. Swisher Sweet

    Strain Help?

    I currently have a great sativa and Indica strain. However, I am looking to expand my strains and am looking for advice. I want another strain or two and want to find a strain with high yields, medium height (3 to 4 feet), average growing times (8 weeks in flower), hearty and premium taste. Boy...
  5. Swisher Sweet

    Cloning PLEASE HELP

    Were you trying to show me an attachment? I don't see it.
  6. Swisher Sweet

    Cloning PLEASE HELP

    Time to try some of that product. For your info I have at times had the same issue's with getting questions answered but that is not specific to this site. For the most part I have had great luck getting info on this site. To answer your question once you have that kind of root growth it is time...
  7. Swisher Sweet


    Any one know the difference between aeoponic vs. a new method using a product called the Oxycloner. This is a far more simplistic, cheaper and advertised as better (in terms of results) than the aerponic method. Any feedback?
  8. Swisher Sweet

    Cloning-hours of light?

    When cloning using aerponics until rooting should the flourescent's be at 24 or 18 hours light? I have always gone 18 but have gotten conflicting information. Secondly I use flourescent's:-? but have been told I could use the 400 HPS but I thought that would be too much for the clones. Any...
  9. Swisher Sweet

    600 vs.1000 watt setup?

    Trying to decide between ipower 600 ,dimmable (3 adjustment settings) 600 and vanilla 600 (one year warranty included) for basically the same price ($179). Includes reflector, electronic ballast, two bulbs (MH and HPS), two pullies, timer. Any suggestions
  10. Swisher Sweet

    600 vs.1000 watt setup?

    Currently have two 400 sodiums and want to add either a 600 or 1000 in between (switchable HPS an MH). I realize heat is one factor in determining which route to take. Any suggestions on which way to go both positive and negative?
  11. Swisher Sweet

    Oxycloner and Rooting Hormones.

    Just purchased an oxycloner as I want to compare it the more well known aeroponic method. First has anyone tried this product (oxycloner) and what kind of results you had. Also any suggestions on a rooting hormone with the best results:?:. Thanks in advance!
  12. Swisher Sweet


    I am 54 days into flower. I am having a hard time reading the trichs on this strain. I know it is impossible to tell from a pic but how does this look? I just took it out of 36 hours dark. This is an AK strain. Thanks in advance.
  13. Swisher Sweet

    Harvest Dilemma?

    I have an Indica and Sativa strain this grow. I have not grown the Sativa before but it appears it is going to take 2-3 weeks longer to mature. Because of this and space issues I'm trying to figure out how I can take the Indica's into 36 hours dark before harvest. I need to keep the lights 12/12...
  14. Swisher Sweet


    no irl pics please!
  15. Swisher Sweet


  16. Swisher Sweet


  17. Swisher Sweet


    well... at least you answered the question
  18. Swisher Sweet


    Should i ice it in the mean time? P;
  19. Swisher Sweet


    otherwise why respond at all? well?
  20. Swisher Sweet


    Why don't you answer my original question and provide knowledge. I wouldn't have posted if i knew exactly what it meant in terms in growing.... Instead of asking me "FOOKING" questions why wouldn't you respond as if you had knowledge in the subject...