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  1. Swisher Sweet


    Yet you still haven't posted any information on what swelling is. why didn't you use your 5% of brain power and answer my question rather then being a prick. You still fail to provide any knowledge on the subject. 3 posts from you and no info. good1
  2. Swisher Sweet


    Nice trolling skills. I asked for clarification on what swelling is. I got a few helpful constructive responses and i got you, a hairy footed troll, feeding off the bottom of my thread. Im not seeking attention, i was seeking answers. Although it seems as if you are seeking attention because of...
  3. Swisher Sweet


    Know the definition! Problem is I try not to guess but to know. By the way swelling can mean different things depending on what subject your talking about. Quit spamming my post!
  4. Swisher Sweet


    What does swelling several weeks before harvest mean and what changes do you see in the bud and how do you recognize it?
  5. Swisher Sweet

    Advice on Haevest?

    Already looked at trichs 20% cloudy. However, some pics are pretty clear and am most interested in advice on bud swelling.
  6. Swisher Sweet

    Advice on Haevest?

    These are the two ripest I have. I generally have a pretty good idea of maturity.This time I thought I would get a couple of opinions on the matter as I think it is flush time. Forty Six days in! Thanks in advance!
  7. Swisher Sweet

    Small space good results!

    Small space in respect to the number of plants (22) and the fact that these strains are medium to large in size. I'd call the space tight or crowded with my point being it is possible to get good mature buds in a crowded enviornment. Again small for the number!
  8. Swisher Sweet

    Definitely a newb!

    I cannot get my attachments or thumbnails to open on my computer using Firefox but when I use Explorer they open. Could I have accidently changed a setting. If I did I am not aware of it. Any advice or has anybody had the same issue.
  9. Swisher Sweet

    Small space good results!

    They have been moved out of the closet thus the space looks much bigger. Haven't harvested yet.
  10. Swisher Sweet

    Small space good results!

    This is done in a 15x3x5 closet. Requires alot of attention and turning but worth it.
  11. Swisher Sweet

    Harvest Time.

    Thanks for the great info. Could you elaborate on what the swelling consists of and how it changes the look of the buds. Secondly what a yield. What strain are you using and are you doing something special to increase the yield or is it just the strain?
  12. Swisher Sweet


    Ya both Indica and Sativa. Finding the Sativa takes three to three weeks longer to mature.
  13. Swisher Sweet


    Two lights (400 watt sodium) Different size's. Will do well buthaven't harvested!
  14. Swisher Sweet


    Let me know what you think for such a small space.
  15. Swisher Sweet


    Six weeks into flower in limited space(15x3x5)
  16. Swisher Sweet

    Left the light on

    I completely Agree. Just don't let it happen again if possible.
  17. Swisher Sweet

    Left the light on

    This should not be a problem. Good advice GET TIMERS! Just make sure this doesn't happen again as you will end up with issues.
  18. Swisher Sweet

    Seeking advices: Overcrowded room, 2 weeks into Flowering, what should I do?

    I too have a very small (15x3) with a height of 5 feet. I do cut most of the lower branches but over a several week period so not to stress the plant. The strain is important in this decision process. My Indica's I trim almost all as my strain tends to give me just one large Kola. My Ak's I...
  19. Swisher Sweet

    Harvest Time.

    Appreciate the interest but does anybody have answers to my initial questions. So far I have had two different answers on when to take down (opposite opinions) and yet too hear on others. Again, did gain some knowledge from all the above in regards to trichs but need info more directly...
  20. Swisher Sweet

    Harvest Time.

    Is there a particular time in the light cycle (beginning of 12 hour cycle or at end) or dark that plants should be taken down? Also have had conflicting advice on trich development. Some say 70% cloudy to as little as 20% by others. I have always gone 70 but just saw some at 20 that were...