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  1. Swisher Sweet

    Strain vs. Yield?

    What kind of veg times are we looking at as that is an important factor ( could get an extra crop a year with shorter veg times) which needs to be taken into account.
  2. Swisher Sweet

    Veg times?

    I really need to take your advice and use my afternoons in a productive way the way you seem to.
  3. Swisher Sweet

    Strain vs. Yield?

    Trying to determine the best indoor strain that provides the highest yields and at the same time high quality. Any suggestions?
  4. Swisher Sweet

    Veg times?

    However I also notice if I v eg too long they don't produce large Kolas and actually turns disappointing in terms of quality and yield and I'm not sure why that is. Any idea?
  5. Swisher Sweet

    Fan Leaves are Bananas! Normal??

    I use Fox farm products as well. If you follow the schedule (which I do because of such great results) in week 7 and 8 you are suppose to add nitrogen (grow big) as they have not had much nitrogen for the previous 2 weeks and then stop the big grow for the last four weeks. I also use the...
  6. Swisher Sweet

    Veg times?

    I have a strain (unamed ) that seems to form larger Kolas if I veg for 45 to 60 days. I use Fox farm products and follow the schedule which says to veg in 30 days. However I don't seem to get that one large Kola when I follow that schedule. My assumption is every strain is a little different...
  7. Swisher Sweet

    (Pics) Joint Dr Diesel Ryder Week 7

    Can you tell me what strain is pic #1 and #3. They don't appear to be the same. Lookin dank thought!
  8. Swisher Sweet

    Critters eating my stalks

    Now they are showing signs of being stressed or damaged. Two of my plants are drooping badly (they are the ones they have nibbled on). Any suggestions on what can be done if anything to salvage them or should I quickly take as many clones as I can before they die? The tinfoil sounds like it...
  9. Swisher Sweet

    Critters eating my stalks

    3o days into veg and noticed mice were nibbling at base of stalks of some plants. Set out traps and caught 4 in 4 nights, Is there something I should do more and should I be doing anything to the affected areas of the stalk (about three inches up the stalk).? They seem OK but maybe a little...
  10. Swisher Sweet

    High Yields?

    I have a space 4x12 with two 400's. Do you think I can grow 15 plants of this strain in that space?
  11. Swisher Sweet

    High Yields?

    Have a strain that is very hearty and quality indica. Never lose a clone and yields about one ounce per plant. Plants are not huge so huge space is not necessary. However, I am looking for an indoor strain (seeds) that will yield me two to three a plant. Any good suggestions on a strain that...
  12. Swisher Sweet

    Watering before harvest?

    I currently have an Indica strain 51 days into flower. I began flushing 5 days ago. Some plants appear to be riper than others. I therefore am staggering my harvest based on ripeness (sorry no pics today as I am not in a place where I can take some). I am keeping an eye on the tricinomes and...
  13. Swisher Sweet

    Harvest time! Different levels of ripeness.

    So even thogh I have never had a seed with this strain they could turn on me because of the stress on the plant?
  14. Swisher Sweet

    Harvest time! Different levels of ripeness.

    I am currently harvesting and have an Indica strain where the large top Kolas are 12-18 inches long. The lower smaller branches have some smaller buds that are not quite as ripe. I am taking the larger ripe Kolas and leaving the bottom buds to ripen for another week or so. Is there any potential...
  15. Swisher Sweet

    Harvest Time?

    Should I wait a couple more days for flushing then cut water off completely for three or so days? Thanks for your help in advance.
  16. Swisher Sweet

    Harvest Time?

    I am relatively new so I am not familiar with autos. Could you give me insight?
  17. Swisher Sweet

    Harvest Time?

    Sorry no pics with this thread will try and post later next week. 50 days into flower today. Indica strain. Primarily made up of 12 to 18 inch Kolas (some smaller buds but not many). Started flushing 4 days ago. The Kolas are frosty, sticky and 90% 100% pistils are amber.. However, the...
  18. Swisher Sweet


    I need a bit of a refresher. How many days before harvest should nutrients be stopped and plain water be started for flushing? I also need to know how many days before harvest watering should be stopped altogether. I believe it is 3-6 days but can't remember.
  19. Swisher Sweet

    Several grows in now and this sight has been more than informative. Let me know if I can ever be...

    Several grows in now and this sight has been more than informative. Let me know if I can ever be of help with anything.
  20. Swisher Sweet

    quick question..

    Not now as almost certainly you will stress the plants!