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  1. Swisher Sweet


    Need my memory refreshed. When taking new clones: Cut at third or fourth node? Cut just below node or half inch below? Does it matter if you take from the bottom, middle or top of the plant? Cut just before flowering? I have taken clones before with good results but will any of the above make a...
  2. Swisher Sweet

    Different clones different stages?

    I have several clones I have taken into veg 15 days ago. I have just been given 3 new strains that have just rooted. I would like to veg and flower them together. Is there a way to hold off growth on the previous clones until the others catch up.? I assume I could take them out from under the...
  3. Swisher Sweet

    1000 Watt Setup?

    Any suggestions on best place (price and service) online to purchase lighting to include reflector,ballast and 1000 watt bulbs? Thanks in advance!
  4. Swisher Sweet

    Indoorgrow and outdoor sun ?

    I have several plants in flower indoors. They are cramped in my space and therefore have considered taking them outside during the day with a temp of 75 degrees. The problem is in my geographic region the temp goes down to 50 at night and the daylight is about 13 hours. Therefore I have...
  5. Swisher Sweet

    Rodents ,squirels I believe. atew Kolas?

    I am twenty five days to harvest and plants looked great until yesterday. I went in to water only to find the tops had been eaten by some animal. I assume squirells as we have them every where. How heart breaking. I have managed to save some and have put large rat traps out to try and stop them...
  6. Swisher Sweet

    Space Issue!

    How do I determine where the growth nodes are?
  7. Swisher Sweet

    To wash or not to wash... Neem Oil.

    I had spider mites last grow which I noticed three weeks before harvest. Got really bad very quickly. I used a peppermint oil first but found it to expensive so I turned to neem oil and but sprayed off with a compressor (PSI 30) to get rid off as many as I could first. Didn't rinse and it turned...
  8. Swisher Sweet

    Space Issue!

    I have two strains growing and have never had a problem with them growing larger than my space will allow. For some reason this cycle they are significantly bigger and getting to big for my grow room (new ferts maybe). They are also getting very close to my lights. I have heard you can bend them...
  9. Swisher Sweet

    Compost Sterilization?

    I am growing a couple outdoors and am using Black Gold soil in combination with some great composted soil. I need to know if the compost material needs to be treated in any way to ensure I do end up with any mite or infestation problems (hopefully)? I have also heard that some people sterilize...
  10. Swisher Sweet

    First transfer of clones to 3 Gallon pots.

    About forth grow. I have used small pebbles to cover the drainage holes in the past with good results. The question is there any difference between the two methods? This assumes that there is still adequate drainage both ways. I know for sure my fert costs are far less.
  11. Swisher Sweet

    Spider Mite Problem or other insect?

    Noticed this morning I have a very fine web at the base of the leaves where it meets the leave stem (not the stalk). I can not actually see any insects but appears there are some forming in the web I described. Ten days until harvest and just started final flush. Should I get something to kill...
  12. Swisher Sweet

    I am not sure about that strain. However, all kinds of factors can come into play (light...

    I am not sure about that strain. However, all kinds of factors can come into play (light wattage, temp, ferts, etc.). As a rule they say 30 to 35 days although I have a Kush strain that I take out to 40 to 45 assuming it is indoors.
  13. Swisher Sweet

    Smoking in grow room

    Don't do it. A bong hit won't hurt but smoke is not good for the plants from a biological standpoint as the post before states!
  14. Swisher Sweet

    CLONNGING PROBLEMS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +++ rep

    Make sure you use the rooting hormone! Careful not to over water (party cup might not allow drainage so is there a hole in the bottom). Mist them twice a day. I've had great success this way. I too had a lot of problems initially but found out I was over watering.
  15. Swisher Sweet

    High Yields?

    Looking for highest yield strains both indoor and outdoor. Needless to say also interested in quality! Any input would be appreciated.
  16. Swisher Sweet

    (Pics) Joint Dr Diesel Ryder Week 7

    I usually take my trichs a little farther to 50% cloudy to 50% clear. You can also look at the hairs (amber) and if they are the same ratio as stated (50/50) before that is another method of determining ripeness. The trich method is the best is my understanding. Some even go further ratio wise...
  17. Swisher Sweet

    Leaf issue!

    A couple of my plants are browning a bit on the edges. All plants get the same ferts, PH is fine, watering schedule consistent, large enough pots (3 gallons) and I use cleerex every three weeks to avoid fert lockup. The rest look absolutely healthy. Any ideas?
  18. Swisher Sweet

    (Pics) Joint Dr Diesel Ryder Week 7

    So you topped #3. I would assume it is the same age as the others. If so I would also be interested in knowing what kind of yield you get from those lower buds on the plant you topped. I too have heard not to top lowryders but several people have told me they have done it and it worked out fine...
  19. Swisher Sweet

    ONE MONTH flOwEr

    Flush times vary depending on the individual. I flush for 10 to 14 days period. Some say you don't need to flush at all but the final product is definitely harsher and in my opinion flushing is a must!
  20. Swisher Sweet

    need some opinions

    You might need to cut back on watering and let them dry out a bit. I agree with the fact you need more light ( perhaps plants need to be closer to the light) so they don't stretch out too much.