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  1. Swisher Sweet

    Clones From Flowering Plants?

    One post says their may be sex change problems. Is that accurate?
  2. Swisher Sweet

    Clones From Flowering Plants?

    10 days in flower!
  3. Swisher Sweet

    Clones From Flowering Plants?

    Any special way that should be done (cutting out bud bits)?
  4. Swisher Sweet

    advice on soil pls

    All the above are very good. I've had great luck with Black Gold Organic soil ( can find on google). Good Luck!
  5. Swisher Sweet

    Clones From Flowering Plants?

    I was forced to take clones from my flowering plants as I had a problem with previous clones. Should they go straight back to 24 hours under a fluorescent as they have been 12/12 under a 400 watt HPS setup (actually 2 400's and fluorescent).
  6. Swisher Sweet

    Flower Back To Veg?

    What would be the affect if I took clones this late. I assume it would stress and take longer to root. What about the sex?
  7. Swisher Sweet

    Nutes-Switched Product-Little Help?

    So you recommend flushing the plants once before starting the new nutes?
  8. Swisher Sweet

    Flower Back To Veg?

    I have a situation that requires I take a couple of my smaller plants in in flower back to veg. I am ten days into flowering and need to know the affect on my strains if I do so. Will it affect sex for example or is it a problem to go back to 18/6 or straight 24.
  9. Swisher Sweet

    3 weeks veg? and 4 pounds per plant?

  10. Swisher Sweet

    Nutes-Switched Product-Little Help?

    Thanks for the response and info.
  11. Swisher Sweet

    Lighting -Coverage Question?

    I have 2 400w HPS and a fluorescent in the middle. The room is 5x5x8 (bathroom) painted glossy white. I've been told that should be good but some of the plants seem a little to far from the light so I've been moving them (lights) a couple times a day to cover the whole room. I was rotating the...
  12. Swisher Sweet

    Lighting -Coverage Question?

    In regards to the laws for the propagation of light I am aware of this formula and therefore know I asked a dumb question. I believe it states as you double the distance from your light source you only receive 1/4 of the energy.
  13. Swisher Sweet

    Lighting -Coverage Question?

    Been doing that but they are about 4 feet now. Thanks for your input
  14. Swisher Sweet

    Lighting -Coverage Question?

    I have two 400w HPS (fluorescent in between) in a 5x5x8 room. Do I need two move the lights on occasion (as they are not on a track in order to make sure all plants get coverage lights are 14 inches (plants directly below lights) above plants, But some plants as much as 30 inches away?
  15. Swisher Sweet

    Clones-How Long Before HPS 400watt?

    Clones 8 days old. When do they go under HPS?
  16. Swisher Sweet

    Lights distance from plant?

    I fyou look a t that chart in this thread Rich Ed sent me it will be helpful.
  17. Swisher Sweet

    Lights distance from plant?

    Thanks man this is cool. much appreciated!
  18. Swisher Sweet

    Lights distance from plant?

    Thanks for all you input.
  19. Swisher Sweet

    Lights distance from plant?

    Does it sound like my setup is OK?
  20. Swisher Sweet

    Lights distance from plant?

    10 Sativa and 5 Indica 10 days into flowering. Tight squeeze but plants are really healthy and buds are forming. I don't appear to have a heat problem (70-80 degrees during the day an 70 at night). Growing in a 5x5x8 bathroom with ceiling exhaust fan an oscillating fan on floor blowing in.