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  1. raponne

    Yellow leafs with small halls on it

    Thanks!!! I will put the lights a bit more distante!! Iºm giving every day 1ml of 3 diferent nuts(alga grw, enzimes and root stimulator) regarding the PH, i´ve never checked it:((
  2. raponne

    Yellow leafs with small halls on it

    Hello guys, I´m having a problem cos the leafs started to have a strange yellow colour and some halls as well. I have alaskan ice with 1 month under 400 wtts Can any one please help me with this?? Thanks
  3. raponne

    Closet preparation

    Hello to all!! i bought in AMS some alaskan seeds and i started to germinat them.....they have 5 cm now. Today i bought 400w buld with refletor. Iºm planing to do it in the kitchen question is:do i need to clean the all storage thaking food cans, dog food, whatever i have inside...