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  1. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    New roots are growing like crazy and the plant is starting to grow more noticeably. I am one plant is at about 10 inches the other is about 9 i am going to change the res today and switch to flower. The nutrients i am using are Advanced nutrients Sensi bloom A&B, Botincare-Sweet, amd from the...
  2. llop1103

    found harvested crops

    Half baked why cant you answer my question was it 15 grams you found?? Is this what you meant by we got 15 from it??
  3. llop1103

    confused on the the diffrent states of growth ( germ, veg, flower ect.)

    germ and veg you use the same light cycle it can either be 24/0 or 18/6. Once your plants are big enough you can switch to flower. Your plants are big enough when you think they are. You can veg them for 1 week or 100000 years. Just know once you switch to flower they can double or triple in...
  4. llop1103

    are these bulbs cfl ?

    an 8 watt cfl is equivalent to a 50-100 watt regular incondescant light bulb like a light blub thats in a lamp. A 100 watt incondescant light bulb found in a lamp is nowhere near strong enough for growing. It is an 8 watt cfl which is equivalnt to 50-100 watts. If your growing 1 plant you can...
  5. llop1103

    found harvested crops

    Ya so was it 15 grams? you said you got 15 out of it. So im guessing you got 15 grams so why would you need to call buddys and why the hell would you call buddys if you took it? It was only two trash bags. If your going to be a low life and steal someone elses hard work then you might as well...
  6. llop1103

    found harvested crops

    15 thousand dollars or 15grams?
  7. llop1103

    are these bulbs cfl ?

    Ya i would suggest getting a 150 watt cfl or a bunch of the 26 watt cfls like 4-5 of the 26 watt ones
  8. llop1103

    First Grow - any advice would be really appreciated

    looks fine the bottom leaves will turn brown and die off once your plant starts getting its true sets of leaves everything looks fine. Only thing i see is a little curling of the leaves which is from heat. But nothing to worry about it doesnt look that bad i would let it be and not stress it. If...
  9. llop1103


    Do the peppers hopefully ur mj gets a little spice to it lol i love spicey things i would lvoe a little kick in my mj that would be awsome
  10. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    OK thanks sounds good i will be getting some h202 today to put in the res when i change it tomorrow. Should i be adding the nutes along with the h202? If so i will be putting sensi bloom A,B, Superthrive and H202 in the res tomorrow
  11. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Ok so i have been trying not to freak out and let my plants do there thing. Here is an update on what had gone on over the weekend. The Roots that were in the res are completly brown and look a little slimy. There are new roots however coming out of the net pot about to hit the res. The new...
  12. llop1103

    To late to transplant?

    i wouldnt transplant since your already into flower. You can def do it and you could yeild more but in my opinion its not worth the risk of shocking your plant and losing yeild. You might get a little more yeild if your successful or you might get almost no yeild or you are not sucessful. In my...
  13. llop1103

    sensi's attempt at a journal. 3 room multi strain perpetual grow

    lol u crack me up. Well the other plants saw what happened to the one plant when it tried being a male so hopefully they will all stay females from now on for you!! Keep up the good work cant wait to see some updated pics
  14. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Ok thanks man i really appreciate the help ya i might just be freaking out. I think there still growing but not as fast as they were. Mabye i was just to seeing them grow really fast when the roots hit the res and there slowing down and growing normal now since the roots have been in the res for...
  15. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    i just checked the botom of the netpots and there are actually like 6-10 new bright white lights coming out of the net pots making there way to the water. I just checked my ph it was at like 6.5 i got it back down to 5.6 i smelt the roots and they dont stink and there is no slime in the res. I...
  16. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    im just going to treat it as root rot. SO what should i do?? Go buy some h202 and clean out my res and put some of that in. SHould i add any nutes with it or just water and h202?? Any advice please i cant have these die
  17. llop1103

    Superthrive..Yes or NO??

    Ok i think it might be root rot. I dont know how since my res temps are min 67 and max 74 its stays around 70 and there is no light leak but what should i do?? Go buy some h202 and clean out the res??
  18. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

  19. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Ok people i think i might be f'ed my roots are brown. Its weird though the very botom of the roots are not really brown but the roots that are coming out of the net pot and towards the top of the water or not in the water are really brown and it doesnt seem like a slimy brown but it comes off...
  20. llop1103

    need help please!

    once they look strong and are standing up nice and straight prolly after 2-3 sets of nodes i would put them under there