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  1. llop1103

    Clone from mother plant.

    Yes you can lose genetics if you keep cloning clones please dont sit here and correct me if you dont know what your talking about look it up or something. If you keep cloning your clones the genetics will change over time
  2. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Here are some pics of day 1 Flower. I ended up keeping 3 plants. 1st picture is of the two i was going to keep all along, 2nd picture is of the 3rd plant i ended up keeping casue it started to look real good, 3rd and 4th pic is of the two real good plants. Nutes used for flowering are. 50ml of...
  3. llop1103

    If I go to a Nursery, what should I tell them I am growing?

    Tell him nothing its not their business what your doing with the stuff they sell you the only business they have is to sell you the stuff not what u do with it. Best thing to do is keep your mouth shut to everyone
  4. llop1103

    Best Yield: natural, LST, fim, or topping?

    Check out the site in my sig its my grow journal there is some pictures of my plants and how much they bushed out from lst
  5. llop1103

    Help me out.. How much longer.. first timer

    You can take one of to test it. Did you like cut all your main fan leaves off or something??
  6. llop1103

    Advice needed for Seedling lighting

    No you dont need to give them the light right now. It dont really matter either way because there in the soil. Once they pop you obviously want to put them under the light but right now it doesnt matter what u do
  7. llop1103

    Best Yield: natural, LST, fim, or topping?

    I am doing lst right now and i think this might be the best way. Really fim is the same thing as topping you just cut it in a different place and get 4 main colas instead of the two you get with topping. The thing with LST is you have to start early which i did and its looking like im getting...
  8. llop1103

    Clone from mother plant.

    Yes you can do this but the more and more you use clones to be mothers the more you lose the genetics of the plant. So if you keep switching out new clones to be the new moms you will lose some qualities of the mother which is prolly the reason your keeping this plant as a mother casue your...
  9. llop1103

    another sex question

    Looks like a male to me as well but you might want to give it another few days the balls wont bust this early so you dont have to worry about them pollinating your females
  10. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Holy shit im a complete idiot i changed my res yesterday and the little knob you turn thats connected to the dripper system that empties your res for you, Well..... I never turned the knob back to close it. So when i was gone today and the drippers turned on all the water poured out my res and...
  11. llop1103

    People from the Northeast Check this out!!

    Ya im down VA here to
  12. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Ok im going with the two fan idea since my mothership does not have an intake fan in the back bottom like yours do. So i changed the res yesterday and switched the lights to 12/12 when the lights came on i checked the res and almost ALL the water was gone. There was just enough water to cover...
  13. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Doing the portable ac today thanks for the info
  14. llop1103


    Damn i just went through this whole thread. That sucks im sorry to hear this happened to you. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully with you having a good lawyer you will be able to get out of this. Wish i could be there to support you. Really sucks that you were technically doing nothing...
  15. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Ok i cleaned the res very good since i was scared of root rot. I also cleaned the airstones. While i was changing the res i had the girl dip the plants into a bucket of ph'd water with some superthrive in it to try and get some of the gunk off the roots and make them a little healthier. Im...
  16. llop1103

    Think I should wait?

    one it looks like he tied it down if im seeing correctly that looks like a blue twisty tie and also he had 0 days for veg time. He went straight to 12/12 for flower so its not going to be but so big
  17. llop1103

    how can i change for the better

    You cant clone yet casue there is no node growth. You need to keep those cfls as close as possible they dont get hot so they wont burn your plant. Your plants look like they are streching alot. You can harvest about 8 weeks after you switch your lights to 12 on and 12 off. So if i were you i...
  18. llop1103


    Hahaha i need to look into this. What if you got Weed that had a nice spicy flavor to it and then you got jalepenos that got you high!!!! those would be my two favorite things ever. There both already my two favorite things but if the jalepenos got you high and the weed had a spice that would be...
  19. llop1103

    are these bulbs cfl ?

    Ya it will do just fine for the beggining. They will just need more light when they start to grow up and get bigger
  20. llop1103

    found harvested crops

    Good call on it being in outdoor harvest in april i didnt even think of that. There is no way this is true now lol