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  1. C

    Anyone else not renewing their card due to the DOH sharing info with law enforcement?

    Well my injuries are such that I am going to renew no matter what. Pain level is such that I am the poster boy for medical cannabis. Can't take Nsids as ulcer was caught just before it perforated over a bunch of arteries. We are a nation of laws still. And I will follow the law. But violate my...
  2. C

    first grow

    Just approved by Dr. for my red card. MML in Colorado. Using 3 gallon buckets because I already have them. Pro-mix with the fungus, and using " Age old grow" as fertilizer. Fish solubles, feather meal, sea weed extract, and micro nutrients. Rated at 12/6/6. Got an advanced LED 100 for light...
  3. C

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Being a newbie, my only question is, how does the plant function leaves? Not accusing, curious.
  4. C

    All Cree Led Plus WaterFarm With Attached Screen Grow(The Dawgie Dawg Style)

    thank you very much DJWIMBO, your post is very appreciated by this old cripple.
  5. C

    All Cree Led Plus WaterFarm With Attached Screen Grow(The Dawgie Dawg Style)

    Hello Dawg. New to growing. Trying a 2nd grow. I was injured at work and busted up pretty good. My disability is very painful. I looked and looked but haven't been able to find what Scrog means. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I am using an Advance Dimond series 100 at this time. Thank...