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  1. E.T

    update 2 on my plant check it out

    I like i like! how old is it now?
  2. E.T

    Strech reduction

    haha you can tell im a noob. didnt know you could do that! cheers for that
  3. E.T

    The Producer grow box

    Thats an intens grow box i like it!
  4. E.T

    Strech reduction

    i have 3 tube T5 fluro and a 600w HPS... i think ill go get a 400W HM tomorrow and put it on what height should i sit a MH from them plant?
  5. E.T

    Strech reduction

    can you grow a seed from a MH?
  6. E.T

    Strech reduction

    I have a plastic green house with 3 vent holes in it shouldi sit the light onto of that and should i have a fan blowing air across them?
  7. E.T

    Strech reduction

    Sweet im just using a 3bar T5 fluro and it is about 12inches from the plant and i have a bit of strech so should i lower it alot?
  8. E.T

    Strech reduction

    Just wondering what stops you plants from "streching" when groing right form the first day of planting.
  9. E.T

    Help! Help! Help! What shall i do

    Just another quick question. Whats better for my plant 400W HPS or 600WHPS?
  10. E.T

    What are good nutes to use

    Yeah sorry indoor Hydro under T5 fluros then a 600W HPS just a reliable nute that has worked well for other would be good
  11. E.T

    Help! Help! Help! What shall i do

    I have been reading about fans and i really just need somthig small to produce air flow yeah not anythign to blow them around. Thanks for all the help and sorry about all the questions.
  12. E.T

    What are good nutes to use

    There is so much confusion with nutes and so many to choose from... What is a good trusted brand of nutes to use? Have many people heard of Canna?
  13. E.T

    Help! Help! Help! What shall i do

    Excellent. so the 600w light will make the stem grow bigger too? the plat doesnt look real strong at the moment
  14. E.T

    Help! Help! Help! What shall i do

    Cheers for all the info im currently not running a fan atm ill hook one up tomorrow if you think i need one
  15. E.T

    Help! Help! Help! What shall i do

    Excellent can i pretty much put the light on the plant? how tall should i go before turning back and how do i clone of it and when should i do that?
  16. E.T

    Help! Help! Help! What shall i do

    No im using Canna CoCo and its just the same nute throught the whole stage and recomend to use pk 13-14 during flowering stage with them BLOOM nute... Pk 13-14 is ment to be used insted of potash. Im still really confused about it all and not sure what to do. I thought my plants want that great...
  17. E.T

    Help! Help! Help! What shall i do

    Cheers, do you know much about pk 13-14 in the canna range? and is coco alright to grow in?
  18. E.T

    Help! Help! Help! What shall i do

    Cheer thanks for the help. The nutes i have say to use 2-3ML per one L so should i only use 1Ml perL? and how long should i wait till i use more nutes?
  19. E.T

    Help! Help! Help! What shall i do

    Here is my plant that im trying to grow i started it off from a seed in a rockwool block under just and normal T5 fluro light with 3 turbes in it. I have now moved it to a 30L pot which has clay balls on the bottom and the rest is coco. Im was using canna Vega A+B, now im using canna coco. Does...