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  1. X7GrowerX7

    Almost finished. Week 8.

    Yeah, for the big bloom I think the bottle says like 3 or 4 table spoons per gallon! I use like 2, sometimes 1.5 tablespoons of it. Well now that my plants are actually in flower (37days) I've been giving just a bit extra and a bit extra of the tiger bloom.
  2. X7GrowerX7

    Couple of trichome pictures

    Nice! Are you waiting for some amber?
  3. X7GrowerX7

    Almost finished. Week 8.

    What does the "tapered down low ppm feedings and a final leach of the soil with some fulvic" mean? Cause I'm coming up here soon for my first harvest ever, i don't want to completely flush with tons of water but I do wanna give my plants just plain water the last couple day s before harvest I...
  4. X7GrowerX7

    Almost finished. Week 8.

    How do you like fox farms Nutrients as I'm a first time grower and been using it as well! I'm 37 days into flower and my buds smell and seem like their gonna be amazing but not sure as I'm a first time grower again!
  5. X7GrowerX7

    Stoners favorite snacks?

    Ayyy, delicious!
  6. X7GrowerX7

    Week 5 flower

    Those nutrients look pretty good, I'm currently using fox farms nutrients!
  7. X7GrowerX7

    Week 5 flower

    What exact nutrients do you use? I know like Part A, Part B and Part C but what's the brand and name? Also why do you believe in not flushing? I dont want to completely flush with tons of water but I want to stop using nutes 1.5-2 weeks before I harvest and just water regular with plain water
  8. X7GrowerX7

    Week 5 flower

    Yes, your plant still has 20+ days before you even harvest, keep feeding nutes, don't completly stop nitrogen but don't over due it, make sure you're feeding bloom nutes as well. Happy Growing!
  9. X7GrowerX7

    Do these look small of being 2 days shy of.4.weeks?

    What does keeping the PK levels at range mean? I'm a first time grower and im 32-36 days into flower right now! Growing 2 sativas, super lemon haze and I can tell they are gonna be 11-12 week strains
  10. X7GrowerX7


    Thank you!
  11. X7GrowerX7


    How do you prevent mold while drying?
  12. X7GrowerX7

    Pictures ak 47/ bubblegum

    I feed them fox farm as well, I'm 36 days into flower and I use 1.5 table spoon of big bloom and 1.5 sometimes 2 tsp of tiger bloom per gallon of water. What all are you feeding in flower now and how's much of everything?
  13. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    For my next grow should I keep my plants closer to the light for less stretch? This grow I vegged for 6 weeks total, at 3.5 weeks I topped the plant but I kept a 4.5ft gap between the light the whole time as I'm a first time grower and was told to be careful with 1000 watt HPS lights.
  14. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    Both of my super lemon haze plants stretched like that, the other one is flowering like crazy on top and bottom, It's just this 1 plant that seems to be flowering super late only towards the top
  15. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    My light is just white, it doesn't have any of the reflective stuff on it and it has a glass cover. And I'm growing in a decent size shed. Like 15ft x 12ft and I'm using alittle over half of the shed, I just have the 1 light evenly above my 4 plants!
  16. X7GrowerX7

    Tell me what to do and I'll do it?

    Just sayin, like wtf do you want people to dare you to do?? Just weird
  17. X7GrowerX7

    Tell me what to do and I'll do it?

    Maybe delete this dumb thread.. It's the dumbest thread and maybe that's why no one is commenting on it?