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  1. X7GrowerX7

    Pictures ak 47/ bubblegum

    Are they 55-61 days since 12/12 or just since you started seein the pistils come up? I'm
  2. X7GrowerX7

    Pictures ak 47/ bubblegum

    Starving them in what way, not enough nutrients or not enough water? I'm 35-36 days into flower and i have not checked my ph level one time durring my whole grow!
  3. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    Am I using a hood? I'll show you the light I've been using. 1000 watt HPS light with a glass or some type of cover
  4. X7GrowerX7

    Stoners favorite snacks?

  5. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    In the picture it does cause I pulled it like 8 inches over for the pic, but it is directly under the light. A lot closer to the light then the lower colas. I also have another tall plant across the canopy that is budding and getting the same amount of light as this plant, same strain as well.
  6. X7GrowerX7

    Pictures ak 47/ bubblegum

    How many days into flower?
  7. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    You can see the difference!! The top of that plant has white pistils but barley, and the smaller colas near the bottom are getting fat! It doesn't seem like it's under the light but I only did that for the picture.
  8. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    Lights just came on, gonna water 2 of my plants then I will get a few pics to show you what I mean. Should have them posted on here no later then 5:45!
  9. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    Makes sense, it can be taking longer to fill in!
  10. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    No, the bottom of the plant seems further along in flower. I have 4 plants and I only have 1 that is having this problem. It's a super lemon haze and the lower colas are actually forming bud at this point. The main stem (top cola) is for sure flowering but only looks about 15 days into flower
  11. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    I'm growing in a metal shed and it gets more towards the cold side then anything, I have a small heater that I run for a few hours to keep my temp around 60, humidity sits around 60 as well
  12. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    I will have to post a picture of the exact plant I'm talking about, you can't see it in the pictures I posted!
  13. X7GrowerX7

    Three weeks into flower.. How do they look?

    I'm growing 2 Super Lemon Haze and 2 Jedi og plants, the Jedi og is so sticky and smelly right now it's actually crazy to me!
  14. X7GrowerX7

    Stoners favorite snacks?

    That sounds alright haha
  15. X7GrowerX7

    Stoners favorite snacks?

    I agree haha
  16. X7GrowerX7

    Stoners favorite snacks?

    Hahah, we dip pickles in peanut butter and call it "PickleNut Butter" we find it so funny for some reason, it all started one night we were stoned lol
  17. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    I do have some pics but they arnt the most recent ones, I'll post a few tho. I'll do it in order from earlier in my grow to recent.
  18. X7GrowerX7

    Problem with New growth

    My light turns on at 5pm I can post some pictures then!
  19. X7GrowerX7

    Three weeks into flower.. How do they look?

    I'm a first time grower as well, my plants are about 3 months old and they are 35-36 days into flower and I havnt checked the ph one time throughout my whole grow. Plants seem perfect and smell so good!! I use fox farm trio and I make sure I dont use to many nutes.
  20. X7GrowerX7

    Three weeks into flower.. How do they look?

    I see, Ive used fox farm trio for my whole grow, ever since flower I've been using Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. I use Epsom salts every once in awhile as well with grandmas molasses. I feed/water every 4-5 days but my schudule is Feed-Feed then water. What is a lockout and how do you know if you...