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  1. X7GrowerX7

    Slow growth in flower

    Any tips on harvesting? As my plants are about to be harvested within the next 30-40 days I think!! •2 super lemon haze •2 Jedi og
  2. X7GrowerX7

    Defoliation durring flower

    Thanks for the response!
  3. X7GrowerX7

    Slow growth in flower

    Damn.. they are already done? Sep 13th they were really small and their already chopped?? Nice!!! Did they explode in growth over 30 days?
  4. X7GrowerX7

    Slow growth in flower

    How are they looking now??
  5. X7GrowerX7

    Ideas for nutrients!?

    I'm growing indoor using fox farm soil and fox farm nutrients, I am about 25-30 days into flower. I'm pretty sure the strains I have are gonna be 11-13 week strains. Let me know what you guys think about starting to use Blue Planet Nutrients (liquid seaweed). Should I start using it? Can I mix...
  6. X7GrowerX7

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    I see, makes sense. Probably also depends where you are from and your water.
  7. X7GrowerX7

    Let's see some plants in flower

    When do you use your molasses? Also where do you get the Bennie teas?
  8. X7GrowerX7

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    Your using tap water so you can't use cal mag?
  9. X7GrowerX7

    Watering without disturbing soil

    I don't really understand messing up the soil eaither hah, but I was using a smart water bottle to and was struggling to get my nutrient water into that bottle from my gallon I mix it in, I started using the 24 oz squeeze Gatorade bottle and I really liked it, it was super simple to dump my...
  10. X7GrowerX7

    Watering without disturbing soil

    Not sure if this could work for your problem but I pump and spray away lol, super simple for me.
  11. X7GrowerX7

    Let's see some plants in flower

    What strain? How many weeks into flower is she? Looks amazing, what have you been feeding them?
  12. X7GrowerX7

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    Yeah, do you use cal mag?
  13. X7GrowerX7

    time for these girls to plump up

    Looks super good, how many days into flower is she? And what all are you feeding her?
  14. X7GrowerX7

    Let's see some plants in flower

    Nice, I think my super lemon haze is gonna be a 11 week strain!
  15. X7GrowerX7

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    I'm not very sure, I'm a first time grower and use a 1000 watt HPS light and havnt had any problem with my first grow. I feed with fox farms nutrients and give them Epsom salts every once in awhile and grandmas molasses durring weeks 3-6 in flower. I grow in fox farms soil as well and giving 2...
  16. X7GrowerX7

    Close to harvest?

    I would get yourself a loupe/microscope and check the thrichomes. Best way to check and you can harvest to your likings!
  17. X7GrowerX7

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    It really depends the strain, I'm week 4 into flower and don't have any leaf decoloration at all yet.
  18. X7GrowerX7

    End of week 4 flower whats wrong with my leafs

    What's the problem your having? The pictures you posted look fine, alittle yellowing to the leaves is cause all the energy is getting sucked out of the leaves and put into creating the buds so that is normal as you go further into flower.
  19. X7GrowerX7

    Let's see some plants in flower

    This is just a thread to post some pics of your plants, let me know the strain and how old it is. Start posting pictures!! Here are mine! (25-30 days into flower) plants are 3.5 months old maybe alittle older now. •2 super lemon haze •2 Jedi og
  20. X7GrowerX7

    Week 3 of flower

    I have been using fox farm soil as well and have not had a problem, I have acouple friends that grow in fox farm soil and loves it and gets quality results.