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  1. Aby55

    Schwaggy P's Random Stuff

    Thank you. I will get veg pics up when they start growing. I like topping so it looks like I'll enjoy growing it out. Dang it's nice to talk to the breeder and get good info. Again thank you so much.
  2. Aby55

    Schwaggy P's Random Stuff

    I got some chemdog 91 skva x ectocooler about to break dirt. 2 stains I don't recall ever smoking. Anyways, how does this cross grow. Is it bushy at all? Does it like to be topped?
  3. Aby55

    Useful Seeds

    No that's not it. Now I got to go see what it is. It's chemdog 91 Skva. I think I spelt that right.
  4. Aby55

    Useful Seeds

    I only germed 2 DDS and 2 of the freebies I got with them which where ah.. ectocooler crossed with something I can't remember lol. They all germed. I got to get them in pots tonight. I didn't scuff them either. Just slapped them in paper towels in a plate over night on the hood of my light
  5. Aby55

    Useful Seeds

    I'm about to germ some DDS. Should I scuff them in a pill bottle first? Or do they not need it? I might do it just in case. Read a little about it in this thread but I'm not sure which strain was being discussed.
  6. Aby55

    When to flower?!

    I would have uploaded earlier but it wouldn't let me. Anyways in this first pic from wing you can clearly see those are the tips of new growth or new leaves. In the second pic I've circled 2 more things the top 1 looks suspiciously like a sac but could be new growth. the bottom 1 looks like a...
  7. Aby55

    When to flower?!

    It's not clearly a male. You circled leaves and call them sacs? And now it's a male?
  8. Aby55

    When to flower?!

    So you think he should toss a potential female? And you think I'm spewing BS? I'm not buddy but whatever.
  9. Aby55

    When to flower?!

    I just looked thru all the pics in the thread. It's hard to tell but I'm leaning towards female. It taking so long to show sex is good. Males usually start showing sex sooner as they need to mature quicker to pollinate the females.
  10. Aby55

    When to flower?!

    New shoots actually come out behind the leaves. It's a new branch coming out.
  11. Aby55

    When to flower?!

    If you look above where you circled on the next node up it looks like a calyx. But seriously what you circled in black is just new growth. Unless I'm missing something. It's the tips of the new leaves coming.
  12. Aby55

    When to flower?!

    That's new growth not pollen sacs. I don't see any signs of sex.
  13. Aby55

    Need led advice

    You read well my friend. Maybe while I research you can come watch my epileptic wife And deal with cooking for the kids? I don't have time like I stated. And I was hoping to get some helpful experienced messages. To save me hours of research I could be spending tending to things more important.
  14. Aby55

    Need led advice

    So I'm busy and can't really spend a ton of time researching but maybe those of you with exp. Can help me. Currently I run a 1000w hps in a 4 x 4 tent. Looking to replace with quality leds that will give me similar yield to what I'm running or better? Cost not an issue but I don't mind budget...
  15. Aby55

    greenleaf megacrop

    Same here thumper. You using it every watering? I wasn't sure what to do but I've been using full strength every watering with no problems yet. And the plants all look wonderful
  16. Aby55


    After 3 feedings I think I'll be buying there 22lb bag soon or whatever it weighs. My plants are flourishing and seem to love this stuff. It's so much easier then the 3 part I was using. It smells horrid but whatever if the plants like it I can deal with the smell.
  17. Aby55

    Refilling carbon scrubber

    Yes I agree. Im a big recycler or repurposing. If this doesn't work I can always just buy some activated carbon pellets from the pet store and refill it. It is dusty but if you don't throw it around the dust doesn't go everywhere.
  18. Aby55

    What nutes should I feed my autos for a great grow still learning

    I've got limited exp. With nutes. I use to run the general hydro 3 part nutes. But recently ordered the free mega crop sample and I'm ordering a 22lb bag of mega crop after seeing how much my plants like it and the ease of use. So I would say get the free sample of Mega crop and try it out. All...
  19. Aby55

    Refilling carbon scrubber

    Oh for anyone wondering. I taped a small flower pot over the center hole upside down to prevent the pellets from falling in it. I also used a flour sifter to dump the carbon back in. Also I didn't have a vibration table or a working washing machine so to settle the carbon I smacked the sides of...
  20. Aby55

    Refilling carbon scrubber

    Well I got bored and ended up baking the carbon pellets for 2 hours at 300f then bumped it up to 350. I kept checking the temps with the pellets every 10 or 20 minutes to make sure no weird stuff was going to happen. The smell was horrible but more like spray paint or lacquer. It wasn't to messy...