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  1. T

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hello everyone, quick question.I am about to start a grow using feminized seeds. I want to do 12/12 the whole way. I am wondering if you guys start with 24/0 for the first day or so to get it going? Or do you just run 12/12 off the bat and the little seedling does fine...?? thanks.
  2. T

    Anything I should know about ProMix?

    Thanks for the replies.. I think the maker is Premier? Its in an orange bail. I just wanted to make sure it was an alright choice, it was either ProMix or Miracle Grow. After reading the responses I think I have an answer for the most part. Looks like I have to always feed too..
  3. T

    Anything I should know about ProMix?

    I got ahold of some ProMix for a grow I am going to start whenever seeds arrive that I ordered. Just wondering if anyone can give me some pointers , im not finding any information on ProMix but i thought it was an ok choice ?
  4. T


    does anyone know how long it takes for stuff to be delivered? i checked out their order section, and it just had a price calculator with no options for overnight or 2-3 days yadda yadda.