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  1. F

    A complete grow journal + pics

    Man that does look good where can you get the molasses you need for this?
  2. F

    Topping the plant

    Can some one point me in the right direction of maybe a good thread for topping your plant
  3. F

    When do you generally start to see trichs?

    Any ideas?
  4. F

    Miracle Grow Organic Soil?

    Im using MG all purpose plant soil with an NPK of 21-7-14 and all i've added is some Osmocote smart release plant food and its doing really well and about 3 and a half weeks into flowering ( i wouldn't recomend using smart release though bc im pretty sure you can't flush it; is that correct?)...
  5. F

    First Grow (Flowering Pics)

    That might be why it doesn't look all up to standards right now bc it might just take a little longer. Plus i put it into flowering when it was about 9-11 in. tall so smaller plant=smaller buds i believe in the end..or maybe not so much. :weed:
  6. F

    First Grow (Flowering Pics)

    Ya, it has to be 12/12 in order for it to flower.
  7. F

    First Grow (Flowering Pics)

    Dang well i was thinkin it was mostly sativa as well just based on looking at it. I'm not sure on the strain i got the seed from some good stuff from cali that was brought in so i wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being really good. The new leaves forming with the buds as well as the buds...
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    First Grow (Flowering Pics)

    This is my first successful grow and it's looking quite nice i think . So here are some pictures tell me what you think. She vegged for 25 days and she is on her 25th day of flowering. How much longer do you think i have left; I know I'm not really close just looking for a pretty good idea. And...
  9. F

    How do they look?

    ha i like it there's nothin better
  10. F

    New "Pineapple" CFL grow. How does she look?

    How far along is your plant in that last picture that you took?
  11. F

    Will this hurt my plant?

    My plant is currently flowering but i was wondering..right now i have it coming on at 12:20 every morning and night..can i switch this to 6:00 in the morning and at night without shocking or hurting my plant?
  12. F

    Need help with this

    No sorry i meant i water it once a day and only have a cup of water. And the slow release nutes are just little balls of nutes mixed in with the upper part of the soil in the pot. Is there anything I can do to correct this I really want it to work out it's been flowering for about 2 weeks now.
  13. F

    Need help with this

    I am using Osmocote Flower and Vegetable Plant Food and it's smart release. It says it can feed the plant up to 4 months and is formulated for flavorful vegetables and colorful blooms. It also says it's guaranteed not to burn your plant. Its NPK is 14-14-14. I'm using Miracle Grow Potting Mix...
  14. F

    Can I cut these leaves to provide more sunlight?

    oh no she is green i think that's just the lighting and plus i took the picture with my camera on my phone
  15. F

    Can I cut these leaves to provide more sunlight?

    haha i just wanted more bud man but thanks for the advice i will try tying them down
  16. F

    Can I cut these leaves to provide more sunlight?

    I wanted to know if i could cut these big fan leaves or trim them so that the light could get to this new growth? It just started to flower so i wanted the new growth to see light.
  17. F

    Tips of leaves curling?

  18. F

    Tips of leaves curling?

    The first two sets of leaves on the bottom of both my plants are turning yellow. On one of them the first set is completely yellow/green with a little brown and on the 2nd set the tips are just starting to turn yellow a little. On my 2nd plant just the tips of both sets of leaves are turning...
  19. F

    Tips of leaves curling?

    As far as nute burn works, does is start at the bottom of the plant and work its way up? By this I mean does it start effecting the lower leaves first making them yellow then work its way up?
  20. F

    Tips of leaves curling?

    Well sh*t what should i do about that if it's nute burn especially if i just added some nutes? And if there is nothing to do about that should i just go ahead and get them flowered asap?