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  1. F

    Tips of leaves curling?

    I just added those nutes the other day what should I do about that? And i have 2 26watt CFL's on it..It could be due to heat i had the lights too close at first but i've backed them up since then and they are still curled down. Here are some photos i took with my phone.
  2. F

    Tips of leaves curling?

    Its about 7 in tall. It's looking health except for the end of the tips of some sets of leaves are starting to curl a little. I'm pretty sure it's due to a little over watering or possible the fact that it needs nutes? Or i read somewhere that maybe its getting to much N? I just bought Osmocote...
  3. F

    Tips of leaves curling?

    My plant is 22 days old and i just started feeding it some nutes yesterday but before i fed them to her i noticed the tips of her leaves were started to curve down..what are some of the things it could be?
  4. F

    Will this Nute work?

    My plant is 21 days old and is a little over 6 in tall. It's looking health except for the end of the tips of some sets of leaves are starting to curl a little. I'm pretty sure it's due to a little over watering or possible the fact that it needs nutes? I just bought Osmocote Flower and...
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    Few quick questions..

    1. What kind of nutes are best for vegging and what kind is best for flowering? (What's the ratio of elements i need). 2. Should i top my plant? Can someone point me in the right direction of exactly how to do it as well?
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    Can someone give me some pictures of a male plant i want to see exactly if mine is
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    Too hot?

    Top of soil is turning white in a few places is it too hot?
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    Best way to create humidity

    its hard to get it up in the little place i have it in
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    Best way to create humidity

    right next to you in Louisisana
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    Best way to create humidity

    What can i do for this?
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    When is the perfect time to grow outside?

    If i were to set my plants outside and just let them grow out there when is the perfect or good time of the year to do that and also could i do it now?
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    What is going on?

    how can i fix the humidity and what should it be around?
  13. F

    What is going on?

    no i do not i dont have a camera right now either
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    What is going on?

    bump this thread
  15. F

    What is going on?

    Im using 7 CFLs and they are putting out about 10,500 lumens, we are feeding them some solution with Superthrive and water and then once every week we give them some solution with water and some miracle grow all purpose plant food (N-24%, phosphate-8%, potassium- 16%, and a couple other little...
  16. F

    What is going on?

    The leaves on my plant start to turn yellow on the tips of the first sets of leaves that came out and then eventually the rest of the leaf becomes yellow then eventually dies off..this has happened to my first 2 sets of leaves that have come out and i have young plants but i have about 20...
  17. F

    Too small of cups for plants?

    Also, the reason i am thinking this is bc its not all the leaves or random leaves that are doing this..its starting with the first leaves that came out of the plant then the next ones and so forth so far about 2 sets or leaves are starting to get yellow on about 3 of my plants and i can tell a...
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    Too small of cups for plants?

    I have my plants in to regular plastic cups at the moment but the tips of their leaves are getting this the cause of it bc i need bigger pots now or could it be bc not enough water or too much or other factors?
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    Tips of leaves a little yellow?

    What all can this mean?
  20. F

    How far should lights be from the plant?

    thanks for the imput