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  1. GroenJoe

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Thank you all for all your help: I've decided. Area 51 SGS 160 will be ordered tomorrow. Grow journal to follow!
  2. GroenJoe

    Area 51 SGS-160 Grow, DR60, 2 plant scrog

    Welcome to my first grow log (2nd grow). I've decided to make a grow log to hopefully entertain some people, but also to receive advice from experienced growers. My previous grow was kinda just to dip my toes into cultivation and see what it was like. I grew a small White Widow from Bulldog (not...
  3. GroenJoe

    First Ever Grow: Hans LED, Organic Soil, Feminized Seeds

    Hey, subbing up for this log. I'm starting my LED grow now too. I was thinking about running two Hans Panels, but I'm going to order a SGS160 tomorrow instead, but I'm definitely curious too see your results. I guess seeing you do this makes me want to make my own log too! Well, time to stop...
  4. GroenJoe

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I currently have an intake and exaust of about 105cfm, which doesnt seem to be enough. Currently i have a 150w(2x75w) secret jardin Tneon light. Normally neon doesnt run so hot, except its ballast is built on to the top of the hood, so its what creates most of the warmth in the tent. It gets up...
  5. GroenJoe

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Alright, im probably going to buy a light this week, but im still not 100% sure whats best for my DR60 2 plant scrog. Ive heard the sgs160 runs a fair amount warmer than the hans panels, and my ventilation isnt the best. Also karma said that a dr60 might be better to use two hans panels instead...
  6. GroenJoe

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I'd be growing it scrogged in a DR60, which in its entire is 140cm tall. Would that be considered height restricted?
  7. GroenJoe

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Is the SGS160 better in a 2x2 area than say 2 Hans Panels?
  8. GroenJoe

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Hmmm, should I also have mentioned im living in the EU? So i would need a light which will ship and work in the EU with its different voltage
  9. GroenJoe

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Im looking around for a led light which i can use in my DR60 (2'x2'). I was thinking anout a LFG Spectrabox gold 200w, but tell me if there is something much better for my situation. I am legally allowed to have two plants, so i plan to scrog them after vegging for 6ish weeks, My goal is about...
  10. GroenJoe

    Germination Disasters

    Update: its been a few days, been spraying them 3-4 times a day and keeping them at a temp of 82°F. No visable signs of progress
  11. GroenJoe

    Germination Disasters

    Alright, I put them in my mix (perlite and coco) 1/4" deep under my CFL. Is it a big deal I dont have soil? or did you guys mean soil as in growing medium?
  12. GroenJoe

    Germination Disasters

    Alright, thanks for the info then. So i could continue with the seeds i've already been trying to germinate and just sow them? Maybe this is stupid, but i dont have soil, i was gonna do it soilless with only coco and perlite. Big mistake?
  13. GroenJoe

    Germination Disasters

    In my first grow I set the 1 and only seed (Bulldog Feminized White Widow) in a cup of water for about 72 hours, and all that happened was that it had sunk. I then began the paper towel method in front of my heater and covered it to keep it humid. Within 30 hours it then popped and planted it...
  14. GroenJoe

    Germination Disasters

    Well, I have looked everywhere online, and I can't really find a real answer to my problem, so I decided to finally make an account and ask you guys for your opinions/help/tips. This is my 2nd grow, and last time I had no problems with germination, and it took about 6 days to produce a...