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  1. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    Haha yeah that is what worries me. I was not trying to get maximum volume, I just want some personnel smoke and the enjoyment of growing things. Oh well I guess it could be worse, it could not be growing:weed:
  2. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    The light leaks are very very minimal. The problem was the additional cfl's I put in there were not on the damn timer and were running 24/7 :cuss:Now the damn thing is still getting huge and who knows when she will flower. Good to know that it may take a while for her to flower. Thanks
  3. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    I will definitely get my hands on some of this. I could use a liltle cleaner reservoir. Well it has been a crazy couple weeks at work. Haven't been spending as much time as I would like with her but she is doing extremely well with all the neglect she has been receiving. I forgot to take any...
  4. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    Another question I have is should I trim anything off, there is a lot of small growth in the center of the plant that is not getting light. Is it beneficial to chop that stuff out or just leave it?
  5. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    I am wondering if my Hydroton is the cause of my roots being darker than what I want. I washed them off in PH'd water but when I clean my bucket every week I get a film on the side, very minimal but it looks like residue left over from dirty water. Not slime just a chalk like film. The dark...
  6. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    Thanks for the advice guys. I will take some time to read up on that and see what I can do. I had a death in the family and have not had much free time to spend helping my girl out. But I checked her this morning and she is growing pretty good after a fresh nute change. I am going to pick up...
  7. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    They don't stink or feel slimy. At first I thought it was maybe the floralicious plus that came in my pack of nutrients. It is thick, black and coats my spoon like crazy when added to the water.
  8. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    Thanks guys, I will try to start taking pictures with that light. Yes I did notice the roots looked darker than most the pictures I usually see. Off to research a possible fix for this. All you guys make this look easier than it has been for me, I just can't quit get the results I am aiming...
  9. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    So I have tried my hand at soil grows 4 times and have been struggling for some reason. I have always really enjoyed watching DWC and other hydro types of grows. So after talking with my wife, she gave me the green light to build a small DWC system. Samsara Holy Grail 69 Strain 18/6 Light...
  10. Pyke

    Hi RIU

    Thanks, dude here :bigjoint:
  11. Pyke

    STOP!!!...Its Hammertime! New Breeder, New Promo

    Add me in for 2nd post bongsmilie
  12. Pyke

    Hi RIU

    Hey guys and gals, I have been a lurker for a while and have read tons. Great information on this site. This is the first place I go when I am needing answers to my small grow I have going on. I am currently growing 1 Auto Candy Kush in a 2x4 tent under a mars hydro led. I won't post it and...