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  1. Pyke

    Single Plant DWC Grow - Candy Kush

    This is kind of a dumb update because there is not a whole lot that can happen in one day, but......... "Kandy" is an attention whore and wants all the attention she can get :) So yesterday I peeked in the tent and she is looking like a new born plant. I would get her into the 5 gal bubble...
  2. Pyke

    Ready for summer!

    Ready for summer!
  3. Pyke

    Single Plant DWC Grow - Candy Kush

    I figured my jars from my last grow are getting a little low so I figured I would give the DWC another try. I will be growing Auto Seeds - Candy Kush (auto/feminised) 18/6 Light Schedule I have a 2'6"x4' Grow tent Mars 300w led grow light I built my bucket from a Lowe's bucket and wrapped it...
  4. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    So I have them in jars curing. I weighed my small bounty and came out with 2.16 oz. Nothing crazy but I think next time I can definitely beat that. I think my 2 main problems were I had to cut her down a few days too early and also if I were to add 1 more led light I am pretty certain I can...
  5. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    So we had a bit of a dilemma, a family friend decided he was going to pop in for 2 weeks and live with us. He is a great friend but a prude to say the least. So I was about 1 week away from being 100% complete and my house was a little stinky. I just couldn't get it to vent properly even...
  6. Pyke

    DWC Scrog DIY

    Looks sweet. I have been trying to figure out how I was going to do this for my next grow. Thanks, saved me from over thinking it.
  7. Pyke

    Time for the medicine: 7 winners will get their dose of Medical Seeds prizes in our latest competiti

    One of these days I will be the winner :) Thanks
  8. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    A little update. I changed the water out yesterday. She is drinking about 3/4 a gallon a day it seems. Hard to keep up with her demands :bigjoint: Anyway I think she is doing great. I added an ONA gel into the tent and you can't smell a thing. I had used the cheap ones from Home Depot and...
  9. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    I have to agree on the ph swings. I can dial it right in and check it the next day and it's way too high. I have been enjoying dwc a lot more than soil for some reason, but let's see if I can get her through the flower stage before I get to comfortable
  10. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    I hope I wasn't getting to cocky, I checked on her last night and some of the leaves are not fanning out all the way. I think I have gotten a little too comfortable and have not been using good growing techniques. So far veg was way easier than soil for me, let's hope that I can keep a handle...
  11. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    Thanks, I am just going by the side of the box that the nutes came in. I figured I would just use what they recommended for my first try and I will adjust from there. I change the water every Sunday and usually top her off 1 time during the week. I actually did not flush last week and I am...
  12. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    Thanks, yeah it hasn't seemed to mess with her at all. She is really taking off, kind of getting a little out of control. I am wishing I would have trained her in the beginning but I was just wanting to let her go and see how well she did since it was my first time with DWC. I have to say I...
  13. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    Well let's see how she does now, we had a power outage 2 nights ago and it messed up my timer by 2 hours. I went to do a flush last night and my light was off, I couldn't figure out what the hell was wrong then I remembered that the timer doesn't work if it doesn't have power. Shit. It is...
  14. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    So I went to check on the gal last night and when I opened the tent I was amazed at the size. She is filling out really well, looks healthy and you can finally see that she is finally in the flowering stage. I added about 2 gallons of water/nutes last night because she is drinking like crazy...
  15. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    Wow last last picture really shows some buds :bigjoint: Yeah I am not about having an extremely tall plant, I would prefer it to be a little smaller and manageable. I know that sounds weird to some people who want more more more, but as long as I can get some smoke and enjoy the grow who the...
  16. Pyke

    WIN an exclusive Vault T Shirt and some truly AWESOME genetics!

    Can't win if I don't enter :peace:
  17. Pyke

    12/12 f*** up

    I have only grown a few times and always freak out when I do something wrong. I have been trying to flower for 2 weeks only to realize my secondary light was not plugged into the damn timer and was on 24/7. But I fixed it and am now currently waiting to see what comes next. But these plants...
  18. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    Thanks. I wish I would have planned to scrog earlier, I think it would have helped with it getting too tall. I really like messing with the plant to see what I can get her to do, I do this with house plants the family bring me. They almost kill them and I enjoy bringing them back to life.
  19. Pyke

    Need help ASAP

    I did the same thing. I thought I washed my hydroton good enough after 2 rinses, well I was wrong. I had the same residue all over in my bucket. It also makes my roots look dark but I continued to rinse them off in ph'd water. Next time I will know to rinse better.
  20. Pyke

    First Time Trying DWC

    I am not really concerned about light leaks because the tent is in a room that receives no light. My problem was the new additional lights were not on a timer, I swear sometimes the easiest mistakes take the longest time to realize. Thanks for the encouragement even with my noob ways. Here...