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  1. T


    what about the seeds ?
  2. T


    hi guys how do sativas grow thoughout flowering ??and veg ?? and how long does it take a plant to produce seeds compared to bud ( the finished product but not dried ) ?
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    First Grow, Feel the love

    very very nice... can i date her online ?? peace:peace:
  4. T

    Extremely long flowering

    maybe it has to do something with the light ... because mh are more for veg growth then flowering
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    hi guys no update on my seeds .... they should come mon or tue ..... my question .... how long does it take a plant to make seeds compared to bud ? peace :peace:
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    problem or not ?

    hi guys i have a problem with my leg ... here is the story i was playing rugby at the club about 2 weeks ago and there was a tackling training . i was tackled by this dude really hard and somehow landed my knee on my shin bone on the inner side . it really hurt at the time but walked it off...
  7. T

    which strain :(

    dont need help now
  8. T

    i bought my seeds at last :D

    unfortunately i dont live in the us netherlands but life there must be :peace::blsmoke:
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    i bought my seeds at last :D

    this polish store
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    i bought my seeds at last :D

    lol i will need it
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    i bought my seeds at last :D

    i bought some seeds :D colombian red haze wish me luck:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::peace:
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    which strain :(

    hey guys my head hurts now from thinking which strain to start off with . i need it to give a good high not much smell and not to high in length . maybe the colombian red haze ? idea ideas on that strain ? cheers
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    northern lights

    how is the high from a northern light ?
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    the difference

    hi guys i ve been wonndering becuase on some strain reviews the say that so and so will get you stoned and that onw will get you high ... what is teh difference between stoned and high cheers:peace:
  15. T

    Laughing strains?

    this is not marijuana but salvia divinorum can induce laughter and halucinations
  16. T

    this strain

    has anybody heard of the cross of twilight x big bid ? i heard its got big buds , nice taste/smell ,good high any information on that strain
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    hi which strain gives off the least odor as in it doesnt have such a strong smell and stinks ?
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    northern lights

    anyone grew the northern lights from seedsman seeds ? cheers:peace:
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    in the darkness

    do you knws wats so funny in poland although its off topic ... the polititions are soo crap . they all talk about improving poland but they are never bothered to do it . SLD a polish party wants to legalize cannabis but they are infamous with the polish society . there are elections for a new...
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    in the darkness

    how does the police bust these plantations wat signs do they look for