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  1. T

    sativa grow qu

    people might know i have colombian hed haze flo is quite long.. to grow to get some smoke and seeds :peace: . how tall would the plant be if a started flowering from seed ? the colombian red haze is about 80% sativa
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    i got my hps :P

    how do i connect my hps i got the wiring . i got an elt balast for a 400w any pictures and help appreciated :P
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    i am in the mood of poping at least one seed into the soil :D
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    could i put a mh bulb in my hps
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    ok ty i ordered a 400w hps system :D could i use it throughout the whole grow because the bulb has a multispectrum ?
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    is there any point topping a sativa ?? does it make it shorter ?? :peace:
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    wat about a 250 better or worse ?
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    nope cm metric units i am from europe :D
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    is a hps 400w good enough for 4-6 plants in a box 70x70x170 ?? should there be a bigger box or is everything ok to go ?
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    thnx dude yep that will be my journal name :D
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    i got thw seeds from a polish seedbank it took quite a lot of time... btw the seeds are small :P i thought they would be bigger i got 7 colobian red haze and 2 unknown bonuses thnx for the birthday wishes .... peace
  12. T


    I Got My F***ing Seeds :d I Am Sooo Happy Gorw Journal Starting Soon.. I Just Have To Get The Hps System :d And Go To My Friends To Get A Grow Box Done And I Got It On My Birthday Lol Its My Birthday Today Lol
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    i got already 300-400 potenial buyers :D
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    anyone on complete pollination ?
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    i have to go and start practicing to count to at least 5000 :) .. nah just joking i can do that
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    no i just want to knw how many seeds i can get with 4 female plants ... how to completly polinate them ?
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    anyone ?? i have to knw :)
  18. T


    hi guys i got a question and i need an answer .. if i have 4 female hybrid crosses with sativa as dominent . i would leave them on veg for about 3 weeks and then put them into flowering under a 400 w hps ... how many seeds could i possibaly get ?? ( yes they had kamasutra and they are...
  19. T

    500w halogen lamp? HELP!

    depends the amount of lumens
  20. T

    500w halogen lamp? HELP!

    lol if you did buy that halogen lamp to grow i will tell you at once , now that you shouldnt use it .if so maybe a waste of money inless you have a pathway to light ... go and read the GrowFAQ and check lighting ... just for you , i will post the link...