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  1. frostythesnowthug

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Here's pics of the FAMC's 13 days old - already shown sex at day 9 -
  2. frostythesnowthug

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Well gang, it seems my previous breeding exploits have payed off, the beans are only 12 days and they have all shown sex.. Just checked the cab, and the 3 potted FAMC are already showing preflowers, and are indeed fem. :mrgreen: The other FAMC in hempy is also showing sex, and is a nice healthy...
  3. frostythesnowthug

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Bc. i'm wondering if the pc fans are enough, especially with the scrubber on. Pc fans do move alot of air but dont tend to have much force, and i think they'd be hard pushed to efficently move air thru the carbon scrubber, which will mean the cabs temp will rise. I'd try a 4" extractor fan...
  4. frostythesnowthug

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    The cabs new inhabitants:- Back left - 5 days old FAMC in Perlite Hempy (4Litres) (ionic nutes) - Never grown my autos hempy style before, thought i'd give it a whirl. Back right - 5 days old Bogs Lifesaver in Perlite Hempy (4Litres) (ionic nutes) Front 3 - Freshly transplanted(10 mins ago...
  5. frostythesnowthug

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    now that pollenated auto micro cheeezels have been chopped and are awaiting seed picking, the cab is how housing another 4x FAMC, and some of Bogs Lifesaver f2. The lifesaver is gonna be vegged for a month or so and cloned and i hope to make some fem beans if i get the chance, time permitting...
  6. frostythesnowthug

    calyx & pistil on a sprout??

    :)Ok gang i thought i'd share this with you.. just germed another bunch of seeds for the next grow(lifesaver), this is 2 days since they poked their heads through the compost, all are fine and growing nicely, but i just noticed what looks like a calyx + pistil on a 2 day old...
  7. frostythesnowthug

    New Pix - FrOsTyS MiCrO ChEEEzeL (see Album)

    New Pix - FrOsTyS MiCrO ChEEEzeL (see Album)
  8. frostythesnowthug

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    ok gang, had 5 mins spare so i took some better shots of the "Frostys Micro Cheeezel" calyxes now the seeds are formed and starting to mature and turn brown/green bout 3wks left til they'll be done, and these things stink while theyre flowering so be warned if youre one of the folks who gets...
  9. frostythesnowthug

    So if I do 12/12 from seed...

    word rocket n gkn :D
  10. frostythesnowthug

    So if I do 12/12 from seed...

    Exactly what i said will generally take around 3-6wks from seed before it reaches maturity and will show sex and then flower, or around the 7th-ish node No i use my hps from the get go...If i have room i sometimes throw in another 70w hps for supplemental lighting on the lower bud...
  11. frostythesnowthug

    So if I do 12/12 from seed...

    Yes you ph is always around 6.5-6.7 and Nutes is your call...Its only dictated by the $$$ you can spend
  12. frostythesnowthug

    So if I do 12/12 from seed...

    johnny961, dont believe?? go to the 150w hps club thread, you can see the grapefruit in action, grown from seed on 12/12 in soil with organic nutes,dense as fuck and covered in trichs. 3.5 dry/11.1 wet. The pics (see previous post ^^^) were around 6wks into its 11-14wk flowering period. If its...
  13. frostythesnowthug

    Will a 150w hps + cfl's support 4 plants?

    Our thread may answer all of your questions and give you some food for thought on 150w growing, Here's the link:mrgreen: It may take a lil time to read thru but i think it'll help you get an idea of what...
  14. frostythesnowthug

    So if I do 12/12 from seed...

    I use my 150 hps in one of my cabs, runs 12.12 from bean..The growth isnt really slow,i 've had some real fast lil fuckers that absolutely flew into bushes and others that seemed 'tarded..could also be genetically slow or seed that had diminished vigor. The main difference from the plants grown...
  15. frostythesnowthug

    So if I do 12/12 from seed...

    The plants will veg and a decent rootball will be achieved under 12/12.. Under 12/12 schedule The plant will naturally grow in a VEG state til it reaches maturity and is ready to flower, and this can take anywhere from 3-6wks, or usually around the 6-7th node preflowers will show. The only...
  16. frostythesnowthug

    UK Growers

    Could be a good thread if you get it rolling properly.. :) I use a coupla uk grow shops when i'm over there, Those are growell and hydro hobby...Both have been legit, reasonably cheap with fast,discreet shipping. Hydro hobby have a good points sytem too, whch gives ya discounts everytime you...
  17. frostythesnowthug

    So if I do 12/12 from seed...

    by 8-9wks you mean flowering time?? i grow 12/12 from seed alla time, and a reg 8-9wks 'flowering' strain STILL needs to reach maturity before it will start flowering. Once the sprouts show thir heads I tend to get a short veg period of 3-6wks dependant on strain n pheno and vigor. once they...
  18. frostythesnowthug

    Breeding Auto Flowers

    no its exactly the same as you would usually harvest a colas that are ready get chopped then leave the rest to mature, or in this case, finish producing seed.
  19. frostythesnowthug

    who grows for seeds?

    ^^ exactly what i was gonna say
  20. frostythesnowthug

    how well does animal repellent work?

    for serious outdoor growing, i'd use lion shit... it is available online ,and will keep most stuff away...You'll never see much wildlife til its removed from the garden