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  1. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    When i harvest i strip the plants of all big sun leaves, or anything without trichomes . I then hang it in individual branches about 20" in length. Then once they feel dry on the outside i place them in a brown paper bag for about a day. Then they go into jars, usually my buds are dry enough to...
  2. Sebastien Blades

    50/50 perpetual tent grow!

    I have found the opposite on most of your points above... I pinch the stems on my sativa dom. Plants fir the first week of flower, to no ill effect. It helps create more of an even canopy. However i find that topping does delay flowering a little. The 24 hours of dark also caused some mid flower...
  3. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Fire!! this is the chem DD x Fire Alien
  4. Sebastien Blades

    Vertical Training tips?

    One tip is to top early and often. Then eliminate the tops that are not going to get enough light after the plants have stopped stretching. which is usually around week 3.
  5. Sebastien Blades

    Vertical Training tips?

    Check this video of mine out. It goes over some basics. Maybe in the future I will make one going over advanced technique's..
  6. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Yea i would not mind seeing anyone's vert grow. Maybe we all could learn from one another. I have 9 plants this round but they only got a one week veg. I have another room going also and i have one 1k burning in the middle and two six hundreds up top. 13 plants total. Thanks for the comments and...
  7. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Great quality out of this run, I will post up some dried pics when they are ready. I will probably do a video going over each strain once dried also.
  8. Sebastien Blades

    From the front or backside?

    Behind. Who cares about what you always see. Do not be a sheep, and just follow. Any kind of light that you block from a budsite is a bad thing. Also the screen will be out of the way if it is behind the plants, and you could even secure the screen to the wall so you never have to move it or...
  9. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Thank bud. I appreciate you tagging along for the grow.
  10. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Day 52 update.. Everything is looking great. Quality is A+, Hopefully the yield is better this time..
  11. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    It is hanging from a yoyo hanger. The sunlight supply one is the best. There is a hook in the ceiling which the yoyo hanger attaches to. The the rope part is wrapped around the socket area.
  12. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    I have a 6" passive intake, ( just a 6" hole) and a 6" active intake ( 6'' duct booster fan)
  13. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    In veg you should/could have higher humidity. I Do not keep track of it, but since there are no buds to keep from mold ,humidity is not a huge issue. i only have an intake fan in my veg room, no exhaust. This helps keep humidity slightly higher, but heat can become an issue if the room is not...
  14. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    My room is super simple.. Bulb in the middle, fan below, and filter/exhaust fan up top.
  15. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Day 36.. I am not sure if I like the new camera or not. I might try one video without the glasses over the camera. I am not using Green Planets Massive this round, and I think I may en up with smaller buds this time. There are still 23 days left though, but the true results will come once I get...
  16. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    I was using canna, but i stopped about 2 grows ago. I am now using maxibloom. The only additive i have used so far is beastie bloomz at 1/4 of a tsp per gallon. In the future i would like to implement bud xl from house and garden and boost from canna.
  17. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    I try to keep it between 40% and 50%
  18. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    What's up, rollitup? Here is the day 28 update.
  19. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    All of the stains are done at 60 days. 65 would not hurt though.. remember that coco holds a lot of moisture, even if it looks dry it still has moisture. I am a little worried though, but it is trial and error right now. If I have to I will put a tray under it and just water from the bottom...