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  1. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Alright, so here is the weekly update. No problems to report, I will add my PK Booster tomorrow.
  2. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Maybe 1.5 oz. What killed me that grow was one of the JackBerry seedlings yielding only 1/2 oz. :(
  3. Sebastien Blades

    Low watt/Hi yield/Tiny vertical grow chamber

    I like what you have going! Keep it up.
  4. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Hey slab, I used to run horizontal barebulb and my best yield that way was 15 oz off of 2 plants. That was after about three grows in this room that way, and I felt Like I maxed out the yield that way. If I ran like 50 small plants I could probably hit 1.5lbs easy in a horizontal setup. However...
  5. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Yes smaller pots on a few, just to test out the yield. I do not think they will be root bound, the plants stop making a root system once they start to go heavy into bud production. I did some light trimming this morning, focusing on the bottom of each plant. I will continue to remove budsites...
  6. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    2nd Attempt Figured I would give the vertical grow another shot. I feel like I could of trimmed a little less, and more efficiently. I do think that this way is the best for my room, unless I was going to run more plants in a SOG style. Well here is round 2...
  7. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Final yield was 14 oz. about my average in this room. I could do a few things better, like trimming the plants less aggressively. I also need to be bringing in more fresh air. I will be upgrading to a 6" valuline intake on a speed controller. Also growing from seed kills my yield some. Cant wait...
  8. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    That is a nice yield, I do think I would be able to yield more from a 600.. But I would like to get the 1000w nailed down. Hiis flower time is also 17 days longer than I like. How long did he veg?
  9. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Still drying, will get some dry shots up when they are done.
  10. Sebastien Blades

    1000w barebulb, how far.

    Aim for about 3 feet from main stem to bulb. really it all depends on how big your plants are, but you want at least 10 inches from the bulb to the bud.
  11. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Sorry, 18'' from the floor.
  12. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    1) The light is about 18" high right now 2) I trim off anything that will not get direct light, over a 5 day period. I start on day 18 or so. 3) No teas or mollases for me, I have thought about using Budswell though. It is a liquid bat guano 4) Yes I have heard of it, I am thinking of using the...
  13. Sebastien Blades

    Closet design

    The 8 inch will be louder for sure. I can not hear my 6'' fan upstairs.. but if you are downstairs it is noticeable.
  14. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Well, the all came down @ day 60. I did not seem to get much of a fade to the plants this time.. IDK why, Fed them straight water for three weeks. I got run-off each time, watered every other day. The JackBerry however seems to have a nice yellowing off. I am drying them at the new spot, and...
  15. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Thanks! I do not know the yield yet, they just came down the other day.
  16. Sebastien Blades

    Closet design

    Well are they in veg still? I would think so since you are on 16/8 unless they are auto flowering. interupting the dark cycle during veg is not as big of a deal as it is in flower. Try to work during the night still, and bump the lights up to 18/6 minimum.
  17. Sebastien Blades

    Closet design

    You should not have to worry about the smell getting out, that valueline fan should keep a nice negative pressure going. Just make sure that everything else is as air tight as possible. The fan will actually be pulling air through whatever hole you have in the flower room, creating a passive...
  18. Sebastien Blades

    Closet design

    Check this article out, it may help some: Get your self a valueline fan, best bang for the buck.
  19. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Well I have no experience with spider mites, thankfully. However I do treat ALL of my plants in veg with this: I only spray in veg though, DO NOT use in flower. Preferably spray when they are fairly young so there is no residue left by the time you harvest. I am not sure about the reflector, it...
  20. Sebastien Blades

    1k watt Vert Grow.

    Thanks man, I am happy with how they are coming along.