Search results

  1. O

    True or False?

    False . . No lakes where i live The next poster has hooked up with a guy thinking it was a woman
  2. O

    What does your screen name mean?

    Post what your screen name means.
  3. O

    True or False?

    False . . Thats just wrong lol but apparently not above some clergy and politicians, and their the ones running shit! The next poster has dined and dashed (thats eating at a restaurant without paying)
  4. O

    How long are seeds good for?

    I have about 100 seeds and I was wondering how long they are good for. What can I store them in?
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    True or False?

    False The next poster has stolen money from a family member or spouse
  6. O

    All I want for Christmas . .

    If you could have one thing for Christmas for free, what would it be?
  7. O

    You know someone is a NEWB smoker when . . .

    You know someone is a newbie smoker when -they go to hit the pipe and dont hold the carb -they get high and then freak out about every cop they see -they try to take too big a hit, cough while their hitting it, then blow the weed out
  8. O

    How high are you? 0-10 scale

    Im about a 6 just smoked some good kush
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    Google Image Wars

    Is the a fucken rat?! Jesus that thing is ugly
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    Google Image Wars

  11. O

    Google Image Wars

    The way you play is one person posts up and image they searched for in Google Images that "beats" the previously posted picture. The only rules are no nukes, and no earth implosions/explosions. You're just trying to one up the previous image. I'll start with 2 to get the idea going.
  12. O

    True or False?

    False The next poster has used peanut butter and a dog to satisfy his/her urges
  13. O

    True or False?

    True The next poster has OD'd before
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    True or False?

    Ok heres how this works, the first poster makes a statement, the next poster then has to answer truthfully), then makes a statement himself that the next poster has to answer 'true' or 'false'. I hope we have enough people on this forum to make this work. Try to be imaginative, not offensive...
  15. O

    Garbage they sell on the streets

    i have dealt with a lot of dealers, some shady and some not. Fact is, dealers are a dime a dozen. If i don't like the shit that my normal guy is slanging, i just move on to the next lol
  16. O

    tolerance break advice

    I just don't get as high anymore as I used to and I want a decent job. I have half an ounce left but don't want to smoke it. It doesn't bother me being around it, I just love getting high. Weed has been my refuge for a long time.
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    tolerance break advice

    ive been smoking every day for almost 2 years and want to take a break.I also have a piss test in 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. I was wondering what I should expect in the first couple of days as far as withdrawals and ways you occupied your mind from smoking weed. How long have your tbreaks lasted?
  18. O

    Last Movie You Watched. . .

    Just what the title says, post the title of the last movie you saw. Escape from New York