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  1. K

    Congress Finally Demanding Obama provide his "License to kill"

    Yea what he said ^^^^^^ Real US Citizens are proud of their country and don't try and destroy it and the people in it while hiding under the cover of religion (Jihad) and the flag of another country. The guys who flew their planes into 3,000 people because "Americans are bad" didn't give a...
  2. K

    The DEA Show Why It's Time For Them To Go.

    I am not at all surprised by the fact that the government won't admit fault and pay for what their bungling did to this man. However, I am surprised that this man didn't check his trucks or mileage or even GPS in the this truck that had a new driver. Truck companies usually keep a close eye on...
  3. K

    Allowed to grow?

    The county and state will find a way to fine you first and ask questions later, they just want your money anyway. They don't care about WHY we need it, they all think we are just pot heads and they can sponge money off of us for every little permit and what not that they can come up with. I...
  4. K

    Our gov't acknowledging the medicinal benefits of marijuana?

    No way, our government would do no such thing! LOL If they were to acknowledge medicinal benefits then they would have to legalize all marijuana and that would be too much for them. They would never think to legalize it and make it a controlled substance like Percocet, how would they get their...
  5. K

    Question About Going In A Rental

    Regardless of whether your lease specifically mentions growing marijuana (or anything for that matter) if it states no illegal activities then he is well within his legal rights to kick you out. It is not about the growing, it is about the criminal act. Unless your medical card states you can...
  6. K

    good head shops with lots of vaporizers... need help finding them

    Have you tried shopping for it online yet? You can get it at many online stores for a reasonable price, that particular store even does free US Shipping so it's worth a shot eh? If I see it anywhere I will be sure to come on and let you know where, but in the meantime try that store I recommended.
  7. K

    indoor cucumber

    I am do you pollinate with ear swabs? Maybe you should do a step by step "how-to" thread so that others can follow your success? I have heard of DIY hydro but I haven't attempted one yet. And my question always was how to pollinate so if you could maybe take a picture or video of...
  8. K


    Hi everyone, Kevin in the house! I'm from the Big D...Detroit of course! Just coming by to check things out here and if I like it I'll hang around a bit. So I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and sharing some stuff and tips. :weed: