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  1. fortheloveofweed

    plant health + hight!!

    Ok, so i know you cant really decide how much bud would be on a plant untill it is completely dried and cured. but on an average outdoor mostly sativa plant, and really healthy, what is your opinion on the minimum yield it could have?
  2. fortheloveofweed

    My plant is too big

    hows it now?
  3. fortheloveofweed

    Marijuana Flowering!!!

    thank you again Laney
  4. fortheloveofweed

    Marijuana Flowering!!!

    i have a question about Cannabis flowering. Once it shows it sex and is in pre flowering, how long does it take until real bud colas start to grow? im not talking about any specific plant but just in the average plant.
  5. fortheloveofweed

    Help with Preflowering!!!

    just a few areas . for some of the pistils it will be white right where it comes out and brown at the tips.
  6. fortheloveofweed

    Help with Preflowering!!!

    Thanks Laney. I also think is the heat. Its been really hot out.
  7. fortheloveofweed

    Help with Preflowering!!!

    Hey rollitup, i have a question about my plant that has been in preflower for about 2 weeks and some of the pistils are turning brown. some have normal white pistils and some have brown. is it a bad thing. is my plant not going to flower? sorry no camera good enough to take up close pics.
  8. fortheloveofweed

    Preflower Help!

    lol wtf spidermite
  9. fortheloveofweed

    Preflower Help!

    im growing outdoors
  10. fortheloveofweed

    Preflower Help!

    Hey rollitup, i was wondering... How long do pre flowers last before it starts to actually bud
  11. fortheloveofweed

    Preflower Help!

    Hey rollitup, i was wondering... How long do pre flowers last before it starts to actually bud
  12. fortheloveofweed

    Mystery Seed Grow - I named her Molley

    im going to watch your grow. good luck
  13. fortheloveofweed

    My outdoor 2012 grow. Pics.

    im growing outdoors killer
  14. fortheloveofweed

    snapped main stem on outdoor 7 footer

    oh. hows the splint thing working?
  15. fortheloveofweed

    Illinois Outdoor Grow

    you stopped posting. how are your plants today
  16. fortheloveofweed

    My outdoor 2012 grow. Pics.

    dude you got an AMAZING grow!! and same here if i wasn't for rollitup i would be stuck with my grow
  17. fortheloveofweed

    yellowing dieing leaves, Mag defiency? Cal deficieny? or N deficiency?

    wait that pic is way to small this one is better
  18. fortheloveofweed

    snapped main stem on outdoor 7 footer

    did it snap completely off?
  19. fortheloveofweed

    My 17 Plant Grow 2012!!! Mostly Auto-Flowering

    Starting time was Tuesday July 26th They were potted on Saturday July 29th. im sorry but its not even july 26th yet...