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  1. Aby55

    400w hps bagseed grow

    Ok sweet i might let her veg 2months. I bet i could fill my homemade scog sccreen. I might dremel it and make the holes 4 squares big 2inx2in. Roughly. Thanks for your input!
  2. Aby55

    400w hps bagseed grow

    I was debating on if I should switch to 12/12 or let her veg longer. I topped about 8 tops and I'm going to veg at least 2 more weeks. maybe longer. I have her in a 5 gallon bucket and from what I've read she should be good for 1 month for every gallon so I figure I'll try to finish in 4...
  3. Aby55

    HID light bulb question

    Its a cheap one. Im going to.get a digilux bulb next week. Ill just keep the hps in for now.From what i understand the mh conversion bulb has less lumens anyways.
  4. Aby55

    400w hps bagseed grow

    Day 28. Going good. Ive been stuck using mg ferts but that will only be for 1 or 2 feedings to keep my N up. Im going to get better nutes payday and flush before i start using them. I took 1 clone andthe runt on the far right is starting to take off. Probable going to veg for another week then...
  5. Aby55

    HID light bulb question

    ok so my light is a 400 watt hps with a 400 watt mh conversion bulb. I've used the HPS bulb for about 4 months and I've used the mh bulb for about a month. I'm currently about a month into a grow and I'm grabbing a new hps bulb in 2 to 3 weeks. The hps bulb is still running great but I've read...
  6. Aby55

    400w hps bagseed grow

    Unfortunately i already. Tossed a male.but ive got a female. Im in the process of trying to scrog it. Ill have pics up later today. Im just glad 1 turned out to be female. The runt is starting to grow better so im leaving it for now.
  7. Aby55

    Growing in a beer cup.

    You should check out the 16oz beer cup thread...
  8. Aby55

    Why don't more ppl grow auto flowers?

    Less potent and smaller yeilds. Although potency is coming up a bit. you cant scrog autos. Etc. Again a question a simple google search could have answered. Also from what ive read most autos take closer to 3 months.
  9. Aby55

    Do I really need nutrients.

    you need google. It works man...
  10. Aby55

    first grow harvest big shout out to riu community

    great job! what was your lighting?
  11. Aby55

    should I start adding nutes?

    ok so I'm around 3 weeks into veg and it's in pro-mix under 400 watt hps. I've over feted on my last 2 grow so I've held back on ferts this time. just wondering if I should start adding something with nitrogen as my leaves are starting to look lighter green. any help is appreciated.thanks
  12. Aby55

    Are My Lights Too Low?

    what are you running for a light? your thermometer should be shaded from direct light. it's black which makes it heat up.
  13. Aby55

    lookimg for new lighting options

    That link is just for the cool tube. What's your grow space height.
  14. Aby55

    Flower to sex then reveg?

    I took a cutting earlier today. Im going to see if it roots. Ive read some are harder to clone. Its very indica dominant so im hoping i can clone it. I cut a 2 liter bottle in half and used half to keep my clone humid and moist.
  15. Aby55

    Flower to sex then reveg?

    that's what I'm hoping. the seeds where from a friend and I'm not sure if they are all from the same bag but they seem to be. the male had at least 5 preflowers before week 3 of veg so I'm hoping that this 1 that's left is not showing preflowers because it's female.
  16. Aby55

    Sunshine #4 - soil or soilless?

    Looks like its soilless like the pro-mix I use. It has similar ingredients. Sunshine Aggregate Mix #4 uses a combination of Canadian Sphagnum peat, perlite, dolomitic limestone, gypsum, and a wetting agent to provide plants with a growing environment with plentiful oxygen and quick drainage.
  17. Aby55

    Flower to sex then reveg?

    I started with 3 and 1 has already shown male parts. 1 of the 2 that are left is a very small runt but growing slow. This other 1 I'm hoping is female is growing good. I'm going to be ordering feminized seeds and a tent in a few weeks. I just started these to see if I can get a good female from...
  18. Aby55

    Flower to sex then reveg?

    Yes that seems like a much better idea. I was just doing more reading up on it and I might just keep it in veg until it preflowers. I read that I should see preflowers by week 6 in veg stage? I'm not sure if it's true. I was going to sex it to pull clones but I'm going to let it veg another week...
  19. Aby55

    Flower to sex then reveg?

    Is it ok to go on a 12/12 schedule. To get it to preflower the slap it back into reveg? Ive read mixed opinions. On it. Some say flowering then revegging could add 8 weeks to a grow. Thanks
  20. Aby55

    400w hps bagseed grow

    Day 20