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  1. X7GrowerX7


    If you look closley in the back n white picture, I have my plants tied up with some fishing line so it is pulled away from the light as much as possible, it's a pretty thick stem so I didn't really think I could bend it that far down.
  2. X7GrowerX7


    What do you mean by bending it? Like bend it from the tip of the cola down? Like a upside down U
  3. X7GrowerX7


    I'm growing 4 plants indoor and my plants have been in flower/12/12 since September 17th. One of my plants is super tall and like 5 inches away from the light and I'm using a 1000 watt HPS light. I don't want my plant to get any heat stress since it is so close so my question is can I take away...
  4. X7GrowerX7

    Will this light help at all?

    My light is on durring the night so it's abit colder durring that time plus I keep good air flow, I have been looking for light burn but have not seen any signs, I'm not sure if my plant is showing signs of heat stress tho. What are heat stress signs?
  5. X7GrowerX7

    Will this light help at all?

    Dang, my is like 5 inches away
  6. X7GrowerX7

    Will this light help at all?

    Yes, thank you so much for information! How close do you let you plants get to you're light durring flower/end of flower?
  7. X7GrowerX7


    Are these colas super stretched or will this eventually turn into 1 big cola/bud? They are 20 days into flower right now, I'm growing indoor using 1000 watt HPS light.
  8. X7GrowerX7

    Will this light help at all?

    Their like 5 ft and the bottom 2 ft get like no light
  9. X7GrowerX7

    Been in flower for 20 days

    How do I make it so they don't reach so much next time??
  10. X7GrowerX7

    Been in flower for 20 days

    I vegged for 5-6 weeks and put them into flower and they stretched so much within the last 2 weeks. How do I make it so they don't stretch like they did!?
  11. X7GrowerX7

    Been in flower for 20 days

    How long do you usally veg for before putting them into flower?
  12. X7GrowerX7

    Will this light help at all?

    So im growing indoor inside a shed, I have a 1000 watt light over my 4 plants and the top of my plants are getting plenty of light. I'm just worried the bottom of my plants are not getting enough light as they should. I have a LED strip light that is 120 volts and wondering if I put this near...
  13. X7GrowerX7

    Been in flower for 20 days

    I'm growing indoor inside a shed, I'm currently 20 days into flower and I'm using a 1000 watt HPS light. 1 of my plants is about 7-8 inches away from the light and I'm wondering if that will effect it much. The light Is on at night time so the temp is abit colder at night. I've noticed alittle...
  14. X7GrowerX7


    I have 2 super silver lemon haze and 2 jet eye og. The SLH plants looks super good.
  15. X7GrowerX7

    Time to blaze!

    Time to blaze!
  16. X7GrowerX7


    I would also say that 1 of my 4 plants is about 8-10 inches directly under the light, I do not think It will get light burn because my light is on durring the night so it is colder in the shed (about 60 degrees at night) I also have a exhaust fan that is cooling down my light. I can touch the...
  17. X7GrowerX7


    Growing indoor, using 1000 watt HPS light. I am 18 days into flower if anyone has any tips let me know, other then that my plants are doing great.
  18. X7GrowerX7

    How close durring flower?

    Trichomes are the white hairs correct? And ambering is when they start turning brown/red?
  19. X7GrowerX7

    How close durring flower?

    There is a glass lens and I keep an eye on it everyday, I can put my hand on the glass and it doesn't get very warm so I wouldn't think being pretty close would effect it, exspecially with the fans and the temp I have it at
  20. X7GrowerX7

    How close durring flower?

    I have 4 plants that have been in flower for about 2-3 weeks now. I'm using a 1000 watt HPS light and wondering how close I should let the plants get to the light? This plant is about 10 inches away right now. I'm growing in a shed so it's a bit cool out their, and I have a few fans so I don't...