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  1. mozarttea


    finally have some new growth on a few of the girls! thanks for your advice and patience! i will upload some pics tomorrow so you can see :) @Lysergicpt
  2. mozarttea


    cool thanks for all the good info! yeah i hope so, some are feminized nd others are not so we will see what happens. i would be happy if i was able to keep two of each strain and grow them all he way out so i am gonan roll up and give them some good energy :) you will hear from me soon
  3. mozarttea


    ok sounds good, i feel like these ladies are going to take awhile to start. when retransplanted there were already roots at the bottom of the pot surprisingly on every girl except for the one that is suffering the most. tried to get most of the dirt out of the roots but didn't go too crazy as...
  4. mozarttea


    thanks a lot @Lysergicpt, everything went well and their isn't much drooping of leaves or ANY movement or growth for that matter. its already been since monday they were transplanted so hoping that they do recover sooner then later but not sure how long they can take till they start showing...
  5. mozarttea


    i was able to get them transplanted into a more stable mix so hopefully we see what happens. hopefully in the next week or so they will start showing some new growth and will post up some pics
  6. mozarttea

    Tangie and Pennywise assistance wanted!!

    you don't think the nutrients will be too strong in the happy frog/perlite mix still and cause these problems?
  7. mozarttea

    Tangie and Pennywise assistance wanted!!

    will do i am going to give it a try!
  8. mozarttea

    Tangie and Pennywise assistance wanted!!

    cuts the strength of the soil? so would you say to mix perlite with the happy frog or mix perlite with a different light mix?
  9. mozarttea


    wow thats true, that definitely makes sense. going home a little later and will give you and update on what happens :) thanks Lysergicpt
  10. mozarttea

    Tangie and Pennywise assistance wanted!!

    would you recommend doing a transplant with fox farm 60% and perlite at 40%? or buy lightsoil and mix with perlite and transplant into there? how does the perlite help with the nutrients from burning the plant?
  11. mozarttea

    Tangie and Pennywise assistance wanted!!

    havent fed any nutes yet, just went straight from germ to seedlings in Happy Frog potting soil. they started growing a little bit but after i transferred to a bigger pots now are stunted and having all these weird problems
  12. mozarttea


    just have been letting them sit while figuring out what i can get over here. i was able to find perlite and thats about it for now. here are some sad looking pics i took just after the lights turned off, of course missed them by 2 minutes.. what do you think about the BeastGrow? where would you...
  13. mozarttea

    Tangie and Pennywise assistance wanted!!

    just have been letting them sit while figuring out what i can get over here. i was able to find perlite and thats about it for now. here are some sad looking pics i took just after the lights turned off, of course missed them by 2 minutes..
  14. mozarttea


    yeah i always tell people that it is a weed and it is hard to kill. and i don't even take my own advice sometimes. i will go to the gardeners place today and get some regular soil and mix that with perlite and a little of the happy frog as well? or just dirt and perlite?
  15. mozarttea


    just have been letting them sit while figuring out what i can get over here. i was able to find perlite and thats about it for now. here are some sad looking pics i took just after the lights turned off, of course missed them by 2 minutes..
  16. mozarttea


    thanks a lot! i have to do some experimenting so i guess the sooner the better haha i will keep you posted on how things go. after you did the retransplant, did they just look the same for 4 days and then after that you saw growth?
  17. mozarttea


    still not much growth, the pots are still drying up. I haven't had a chance to go and find light soil, probably this evening or tomorrow morning. Thinking about doing the re transplant this weekend when i have plenty of time to sit down and give the attention they need. any other...
  18. mozarttea

    Tangie and Pennywise assistance wanted!!

    no i really appreciate the help, lots of great info to learn about plants and the soil they live in!
  19. mozarttea

    genetics with early problems help please

    good morning everyone!. i have some DNA genetics tangie growing and some TGA sub cool pennywise. all were germinated june 28th and were all transplanted to happy frog potting soil with a fluorescent light 25w. they began to stretch to about 3in and so i transplanted them on August 7th to a...
  20. mozarttea

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    is there anyway i could send a couple of pics in another reply and maybe get some help, i think i overwatered but not too sure?