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  1. closetgrower69

    My massive failure!

    Yeah, you got me there. My girl loved the high off of this weed so, i'll give it a shot. I have it outside away from my "fem seed'" plants. Gonna go check it out later today and see what I can do.
  2. closetgrower69

    My massive failure!

    No, just the little green cup that it's in now. Think i'm going to give up on this one now. Bag seed from some really shitty weed anyway. It was a test run, while waiting for my good seeds to get here.
  3. closetgrower69

    My massive failure!

    That was all in the outdoor potting soil I used. Kelloggs i think was the name of the brand.
  4. closetgrower69

    My massive failure!

    20 hours then full day of sun. The lights I was using were the wrong spectrum. I was flowering my seedling! Lol.
  5. closetgrower69

    My massive failure!

    Long story short, This is my test run plant (the one that lived lol). Can"t tell ya the strain, or anything else except I failed! this plant is, believe it or not, over two months old. The soil was some cheap "loaded with chemicals" crap, the water was unchecked for ph, etc, etc, etc. Bottom...
  6. closetgrower69

    Two Wees Old Today, How Do They Look?

    Thanks! transplanted them all into bigger, not clear, pots. (I put my pot into it's pot! Lol.) plus put up my 250 watt metal halide. They look great now, pics next weekend probably, unless there is a problem.
  7. closetgrower69

    Two Wees Old Today, How Do They Look?

    Thanks everyone. Gonna transplant here in just a little bit into 3 gallon pots. You all rock for the advice! Rep+
  8. closetgrower69

    Two Wees Old Today, How Do They Look?

    I thought of that today. Gonna transplant them in the morning. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. closetgrower69

    Two Wees Old Today, How Do They Look?

    If I wasn't so stoned I would. Maybe tomorrow I'll start my grow disaster thread.
  10. closetgrower69

    Two Wees Old Today, How Do They Look?

    Seriously, I'd put a pic up of that plant but it's emberassing!!!:bigjoint:
  11. closetgrower69

    Two Wees Old Today, How Do They Look?

    Thanks Ol Bud. It's funny, I started a grow a while back without knowing anything and the single plant that survived is almost two months old and looks like these did at 4 days old. It helps to have a clue. Lol.
  12. closetgrower69

    Two Wees Old Today, How Do They Look?

    Just a couple pics of two of my plants. Blue widow and Easyryder2. The first is the er2. How am i doin so far?bongsmilie
  13. closetgrower69

    Jack Herer 1st newbie grow final pics

    I'm on my first "real" grow myself. I experimented with some bag seeds first and it went horribly wrong. Live and learn but your girls look good to me.
  14. closetgrower69

    Any Metal Heads Unite

    That would make sense to me! Put on some bad ass metal and I move faster so, I can see how they would grow faster. Good thing my half stack is right next to my grow box. Give my little girls all the metal they need every chance I get!!!!!!!
  15. closetgrower69

    Need Urgent Help Please!

    I'm new so I won't give advice about harvesting yet. My girl has fibro too and I can understand how difficult it must be for you. I really hope you can find someone to help soon. Those flare ups can be horrible and last for days, I've seen it first hand. Good luck, and I hope your hubby is ok.
  16. closetgrower69

    Drug test......which route to take?

    i use "The stuff" chewable tablets and they work in 40 minutes. It's pretty cheap too, around 15 bucks. Good luck with the test!!!!
  17. closetgrower69

    My Homemade Grow Box!!!!

    Looks good. I was lucky to find a very nice, large, cheap armoire on craigslist to convert to a grow box.
  18. closetgrower69

    Pics of my first real grow!

    I was shocked to see that one. did a little search for it and found that these take alot longer to grow but can have a higher yield. So, I'm patiently waiting on that one!!
  19. closetgrower69

    Pics of my first real grow!

    i will, still doin some work on the space for the big lights. Probably within a week or so, I hope.
  20. closetgrower69

    Pics of my first real grow!

    Thanks Kevin. Yours look good too, gonna follow your grow if ya don't mind.