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  1. closetgrower69

    Pics of my first real grow!

    The 4th blue widow just popped this morning so there are no pics of the newborn.
  2. closetgrower69

    Pics of my first real grow!

    All are 9 days old from seed today. Planted in FFOF at 60%, 20% sand, and 20% Jiffy organic seed starting mix. 6, 26 watt, 6500k cfls at the moment. The MH and HPS lights will come later when they are big enough to handle it. Custom grow enclosure made by me. Thanks for lookin and tell me what...
  3. closetgrower69

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest Ect

    All my seedlings started in FFOF with 20% sand and 20% Jiffy organic seed starting soil. Not a single issue here.
  4. closetgrower69

    Any Metal Heads Unite

    Shit, I named my son after Darrell Lance Abbott!!!!! Metal is all we listen to in my house. I could name all the bands but, it's a loooonnnnggggg list. \M/
  5. closetgrower69

    Paint ?

    I picked up a can of flat white from walmart. My grow space isn't in my closet anymore. I found a huge armoire thing on craigslist cheap and it's perfect for growing. Currently working on getting it setup and ready to grow.
  6. closetgrower69

    What Keeps Killing My Seedlings?

    I'm new to this myself but, it sound like you have to much light at the wrong "spectrum". I have 5, 1 week old seedlings that I have under 2, 26 watt (100 watt equivalent) cfls that are 6500k. Do a search on here for lighting. From what I understand, anything between 3000 to 5500 k is kinda...
  7. closetgrower69

    Paint ?

    I just want enough yeild to last until next harvest. Thinking about vegging this one for a month longer than they others since she is so much smaller. This is all new to me and I'm really having a blast growing my own. Glad to hear your lady made a complete recovery, damn bugs anyway.....
  8. closetgrower69

    Paint ?

    I'll try and get pics up soon. One of my little ER2 ladies is mutated and started with 3 leaves. Cool looking but heard it will probably grow slower than the others. Oh well right? lol.
  9. closetgrower69

    Paint ?

    Again, THANKS! I had no idea about the tin foil!!!! Gonna get that done soon.
  10. closetgrower69

    Paint ?

    Thanks! I've spent hundreds of dollars on this grow so far and it's going great. I have 2 easyryder 2 plants and 3 blue widows, all from seed. Exactly one week since they sprouted and I just moved them into my permanent grow space yesterday. All I need to do is rip down the tin foil and paint...
  11. closetgrower69

    Paint ?

    Been lookin for matte paint for my grow boxes. Found flat paint but only one matte paint and it's a spraycan variety. BUT, it's metallic silver. My limited understanding of light and reflection tells me that this might be a very good paint to use. Anyone ever use any paint other than white?
  12. closetgrower69

    How many leaves.....

    That's what I'm thinking. More light being captured for the plant to use is never a bad thing.
  13. closetgrower69

    How many leaves.....

    My test run of some crappy bag seeds went one, three, and then five. Just wait til i get a pic up here, you'll like it.
  14. closetgrower69

    How many leaves.....

    Lol. My first grow and I'm just wondering if this happens alot or if it's happened to anyone else. It's really cool looking and healthy. I'm not complainin, just curious.
  15. closetgrower69

    How many leaves.....

    Are seedlings supposed to have???? I have 5 seedlings that are all two to three days old and one of them has three, instead of two, fan leaves starting and three of the little round leaves. WTF?!?! Is this ok, crap luck, or some sort of amazing wonderful mutation that could produce a higher...
  16. closetgrower69

    This is Very Weird to Me.

    Before I started my first real grow, I did a test run with some bag seeds. Only two of the bag seed plants are still alive. Both are outside, don't want them near my new crop since sex is not known at this time and all my new seeds are feminized. Here's where it gets weird though; One of the...
  17. closetgrower69

    Sunlight question

    I'm new but, from what I understand leave the indoor plants indoors, and the outdoor plants outdoors. The stress of moving them in and out could be bad. That's what I've read on here before, just sharing.
  18. closetgrower69

    Lighting question, help please.

    Put the lights at 12 inches and they shoot off like rockets!!!! Thanks Lime, and everyone else.
  19. closetgrower69

    Lighting question, help please.

    I have them about a foot and a half away from the plants and they are just 13 watts. Didn't want to fry my ladies. My MH is only 250 watts but for my little grow space it will be fine. Going to grow the bw indoors and the easyryder out. Thanks, this is my first real grow and I need all the help...
  20. closetgrower69

    Lighting question, help please.

    Woke up and found my ladies have sprouted!!!!!!!! 3 bluw widows and 2 easy ryders. Now I have them under a few cfl's and I'm curious as to when I should put them under the metal halide? Should I do it now? or wait til they grow a little more?:weed: