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  1. H

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    What'd you end up getting once it all dried?
  2. H

    2.5 Cubic feet Micro Grow (FIRST)

    Surprised nobody has said this yet but... A CARDBOARD BOX? You're gonna burn your house down man, just spend a couple of dollars and get something wooden or use two rubbermaid tubs or something. Just don't burn your house down just so the cops can see your charred plants and grow supplies and...
  3. H

    G13 Blueberry Gum, Stealth Sock Drawer CFL

    Does this shit work? Because if it does, you sir are a fucking genius.
  4. H

    Penyajo's PC Grow. DNA Genetics Sour Cream.

    How much did you net on your first grow? Looked pretty nice for the space.
  5. H

    older pc case grow

    How much did you net bro? I've been wanting to start one so bad.
  6. H

    Need Help with a stealth grow using CFLs

    Thanks man, and yeah that's why I went looking for this box. No fire hazard please!
  7. H

    Need Help with a stealth grow using CFLs

    Just went and measured my dresser and it's 2 feet 7 inches BY 4 feet 6 inches BY 1 foot 8 inches. (w BY h BY l) As for a soil I was just going to go get some generic shit at my local hardware store, I don't really have any plant places near here lol. I was thinking about Miracle Grow All...
  8. H

    Need Help with a stealth grow using CFLs

    Thanks for the replies guys, I went searching on craigslist this morning and found a dresser for FREE, fucking win? Anyways, i plan to screw the front of the drawers to the base of it so that they cant pull open and then just break out the part that you would put your clothes in, I'm going to...
  9. H

    Need Help with a stealth grow using CFLs

    Alright so me and my friend are thinking about growing some weed because everyone in our town does it, even our teachers. So we were going to have like a 1 plant stealth box to grow it in, we have a garage with electrical outlets (2) that we planned to put it in. But because the house is...