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  1. personalgrow

    First Guerilla Grow - Amendments?

    what type of soil are you using? If you make a supersoil you dont need to worry about ferts for a little while and yes bat guano will get the job done but using other organic nutes will make a world of difference when it comes to flowering. I'm looking for some cheap polymer crystals myself for...
  2. personalgrow

    Hawaii Long Season Guerrilla Grow '13

    Been lagging on updates since the biggest ladies are about 8" or so. But here are a few pictures showing some growth of the different strains. Loving the new fluorescent CFL tubes helps a lot when the weather is bad like it has been with all this rain. Starting to prepare my soil for the season...
  3. personalgrow

    Outdoor grow! Looking for feedback!

    that depends on how big you want them to get and how much you want them to yield. Since you already have them in miracle grow might as well stick with the chem fertilizers since your soil is chem, I personally grow organic so cant recommend any products but I would definitely say fertilize them...
  4. personalgrow

    Hawaii Long Season Guerrilla Grow '13

    ALOHA This is my 5th year growing on/off in the beautiful state of Hawaii. This year I plan to document all of my Guerrilla grows from start to finish. Will be growing Feminized blueberry, OG Kush, Sour Diesel, and 2 other Hybrid strains. I am going to be using LST to provide more...
  5. personalgrow

    Hawaii Growers

    watsup everyone....HI cardholder here.... just curious what happened to overgrow? got shut down im assuming....a lot of solid people on that site from Hawaii... anyway stoked there is a Hawaii thread over here.... gunna be my 5th year(off/on) growing da corn outdoors this long season I plan to...
  6. personalgrow

    Guerrilla growers needed for advice

    With pots you have a lot more control over what your plant gets all overall will be easier to do however black pots sure do stick out a lot if you are concerned about helicopters, etc.... the best things to look for in a spot for me personally is somewhere that is very unlikely for someone to...