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  1. personalgrow

    How Late can Clones go out???

    depends on where you live... in hawaii you can grow all year long, can stretch em out a bit indoors then throw em outside all year long.... in the mainland you gotta worry about frost/very short day light hours. let us know your location and maybe someone can help you better good luck
  2. personalgrow

    2013 outdoor grow

    those are some fields of dreams! I hope you pull off all 3 sites! How much dry weight did you get off of the 200 last year? dayuuuum propz bro
  3. personalgrow

    scubas outdoor 2013

    Yea you can move them it wont hurt them much, better to leave them in one place but its not gunna stunt them or anything. you should probably wait till the plants are 18-24" before you take any clones, you can get away with topping them a little sooner than that but id wait till 18-24" to do...
  4. personalgrow

    2013 outdoor - central cali

    very nice outdoor garden! lookin forward to seein 8-17-13 propz
  5. personalgrow

    Hawaii Long Season Guerrilla Grow '13

    No sir im on oahu and I get my worm castings from a local guy but yea they are a bit stretchy due to my lighting situation. got the T5s on an angle leaning up against a chair lol too lazy to hang it properly with chains I guess. The yellowing could be from something in the soil im assuming, it...
  6. personalgrow

    First outdoor grow, any advice?

    You trying to grow organic or chem? Id get some Mexican bat guano for starters to make teas or top dressing. Mexi guano high in Nitrogen which is what your plants need during veg. You can also find some good organic and chem bottled nutrients for veg and flower online, ebay has some good deals...
  7. personalgrow

    Plants dug up

    I dont know where you live or what is in your soil but in Hawaii wild boars will sometimes poke their snouts inside your pot looking for shit, this is one reason I dont use bloodmeal, fish emulsion, or other type amendments in my soil. I have yet to have a boar completely uproot a plant but...
  8. personalgrow

    How Do I Grow Massive Marijuana Plants?

    hey 757, I would think the shallowness of the kiddie pool wouldn't be as good as a deeper container? have you used shallow but wide containers before? First time ive seen someone rockin the pink kiddie pool as a pot. I like to use them to mix my supersoil
  9. personalgrow

    Hawaii Long Season Guerrilla Grow '13

    So far 3 hopeful ladies are outside hardening to the sun in partial shade (about 1.5ft tall now) will have outdoor pics by end of week The pics below are those still under a foot tall so will be inside/partial sun for now. I thought id show the supersoil type mix ill be using this year in the...
  10. personalgrow

    Best state to grow outdoors?!?

    Thats easy..... paradise. Hawaii. Can grow all year! We have a short and long season. Never worry about it being too cold
  11. personalgrow

    Hawaii Long Season Guerrilla Grow '13

    Thanks guys. Took the first 3 hopeful ladies outside a few days ago as they reached the height that I transition from indoor to outdoor(about 1ft or so) they are in partial shaded spots for 5 days then they get full sun. Will be posting pics of them soon as well as a shot of what I got in my...
  12. personalgrow

    final transplant

    i start mine indoor then once they establish a nice rootball and can handle some abuse, usually about 1 ft. in height, its in the backpack and to the grow spot. then they are transplanted into 1-2 gal pots. once they show sex, then the final transplant takes place.
  13. personalgrow

    Mountain Weed Grow

    the big ones look very good! Not bad for your 3rd crop at all!
  14. personalgrow

    Hawaii Growers

    yeaaaa thats what im talking about! inspirational shots. helps me while crawling through wild boar tunnels haha
  15. personalgrow

    How To Launder My Money?

    this was some entertaining shit. laughed more than a few times. thanks op
  16. personalgrow

    Hawaii Growers

    I miss the overgrow days when I believe it was dr. greenhorn and kkday posting some of their guerrilla grows. Interesting stuff. Anyone else doing some guerrillas this long season?
  17. personalgrow

    First Guerilla Grow - Amendments?

    oh i see. How does your on soil sight look? Unless your natural soil is very good I would advise you to at least do a 50/50 mix of natural soil and 3 part mixture of peat moss, worm castings, and perlite. It shouldn't cost you that much. definitely way less than bag soil. good luck!
  18. personalgrow

    First Guerilla Grow - Amendments?

    okay, what kind of soil are you using? If your soil doesn't have much in it already I would add azomite(65+ trace minerals), rock dust, epsom tomato tone, worm castings, dolomite lime, kelp meal to that list if you want some killer soil. Per. 1 CU ft. of soil.... 1 cup dolomite, 1 cup kelp meal...
  19. personalgrow

    First Guerilla Grow - Amendments?

    Do you need to have everything shipped to you? I only have hard to find items sent to me. I would go to the local home depot, etc. to get my perlite and other regularly stocked items. You dont need your mj book. This site is just as good if not better. Utilize the search feature and type in when...
  20. personalgrow

    Cannabis Bush

    many ways to do it. check out the FAQ. LST(low stress training) is my favorite as it is low stress and doesn't have potential to really stunt the plant like another method called topping(removing new growth shoots so secondary shoots take over thus increasing amount of colas)