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  1. bfam4t6

    First time grow pics.

    Very nice grow man!! I think your patience....wait.... I KNOW your patience will be well worth it the first time you take a nice puff of your very own homegrown. It's a great experience to watch a seed turn into dank bud for the first time. Congrats on being able to not smoke for so long! +rep...
  2. bfam4t6

    Dutch Passion Fem. Strawberry Cough under 600w HPS

    Yeah this strain is definitely delicious. Some guy mentioned strawberry chunk in another thread and said that it was even BETTER than strawberry cough. Might want to look into that if you're serious about getting more seeds bro. I did end up giving this plant another feeding a few days ago...
  3. bfam4t6

    Dutch Passion Fem. Strawberry Cough under 600w HPS

    Definitely. I've been adding molasses for the past several weeks. I should have started a few weeks earlier than I did, but no going back now. Does anyone else have thoughts on timing the flushing for this strain? If you say it still has 3 weeks left I'll go ahead and give her at least one...
  4. bfam4t6

    Dutch Passion Fem. Strawberry Cough under 600w HPS

    Update: I've included a couple pics of some of my clones as something to look forward to :) Things are coming along. As of yesterday, I've stopped giving it nutes. I hoped I've timed the flushing okay?? Let me know if you guys think I should give her one more good feeding or not. I don't...
  5. bfam4t6

    Almost ready??? w/ pics

    Yeah, your potency, yield, etc will all suffer from harvesting early, but it all depends on just how early. If your trichs haven't had a chance to start turning milky and or amber, you will generally get a very clear head high that does not last very long at all. For a couchlock stone you I...
  6. bfam4t6

    Almost ready??? w/ pics

    In my honest opinion, those plants are nowhere near being done. You still have several weeks to go. The plant still has fully white calyx hairs. When the buds are done and ready to be harvested, nearly all of those hairs will have turned a darker color and will have shriveled back into the...
  7. bfam4t6

    How Much Longer

    I do. What strain is that? I mean no offense, but it looks like bagseed. If that's the case, you're buds will likely develop at different rates throughout the least, this has been my experience and looks to be the case for you. You may end harvesting the plant in sections. You...
  8. bfam4t6

    Should I cure?

    I would. If you wait for the buds to get too dry, you wont really be able to cure them properly. You want some moisture left when you stick them into jars, so don't wait until they're bone dry. Not all of your buds will be ready at the same time.
  9. bfam4t6

    Strawberry Cough...Thoughts??

    You're plants look awesome man! I had already planned to FIM and bend the hell out of my next go round the way you have. And to whoever asked, yes my seeds are dutch passion. This plant was grown from a seed. I had two seeds (long story) so I planted them both and kept one for a mother and...
  10. bfam4t6

    Strawberry Cough...Thoughts??

    Love it so far. I'm just feel like I should see some more red hairs....
  11. bfam4t6

    Strawberry Cough...Thoughts??

    Here is the first branch that I have cut from my strawberry cough plant. The rest of the plant is still in the dirt. I think it needs a few more days. What do you guys say? Has anyone else grown this strain? I'm sorry for the low res pics. The only camera I have sucks....sorry.
  12. bfam4t6

    More Sensi Super Skunk

    Lookin good man. I'd estimate that those girls still have a few weeks if you want them to be their ripest.
  13. bfam4t6

    Urgent: Clone needs planting! advice please!

    I would keep it in a tray with a 1/4" or so of water at the bottom. You'll want to change the water very regularly to keep from mold and such, but this should keep your clone happy.
  14. bfam4t6

    another first crop thread

    Lookin good man!
  15. bfam4t6

    Serious AK-47 seeds 30 days into veg -pics and ?'s

    I wonder the same thing. Is there a benefit to using a clone as a mother? I am currently using a seeded mother for my white widow and strawberry cough. @ Freda Looks awesome man! AK-47 has been one of my favorites since I tasted it about a year ago. It will definitely be included when I...
  16. bfam4t6

    Dutch Passion Fem. Strawberry Cough under 600w HPS

    I may have to give that a try. How fast do yours root with that method? To speed up growth, I'm going be planting between 2-4 clones in every 5 gallon bucket. One should come out dominant and end up taking over much of the other plant's root systems. It's like a little jump start. We'll see...
  17. bfam4t6


    Do what resinraider said. I transplanted my very first girl at almost the exact same time period from a 3-gallon to a 5.5 gallon. It was a great decision :)
  18. bfam4t6

    Dutch Passion Fem. Strawberry Cough under 600w HPS

    Thanks man! Yeah that's basically along the same lines I was thinking, so I'm just going to continue cutting off anything down low or not receiving much light. A bunch of "know-it-alls" were trying to tell me that this was never acceptable on another forum. :cuss: As for the clones, yeah...
  19. bfam4t6

    Dutch Passion Fem. Strawberry Cough under 600w HPS

    BTW, I would still like some more input regarding my two questions. Please and thank you.
  20. bfam4t6

    Dutch Passion Fem. Strawberry Cough under 600w HPS

    Sorry for no updates recently. It's been a busy week. I'll have to give her some molasses and see what happens. What is sweet citrus though? I've never heard of it. I suppose I could include a pic of the whole plant, but like I said this plant had a really bad start. Basically it was...