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  1. D

    how to cover the smell?????

    Carbon works well.
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    Curling down on 2/3 plants???

    I don't think its the temps, usually around 80ish, maybe 85. Also when the HPS burnt out(running only a Glow Panel 45 currently) it dropped to 75 with no improvement. But finally after a few days, a flush, and foliar fed the one, they appear to be coming around. The runt is still looking pretty...
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    Curling down on 2/3 plants???

    Sounds good. I'm ordering one now.
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    Curling down on 2/3 plants???

    It is a Rapiest, and since I couldn't remember the name I searched for it...what a waste of money your gonna say I take it. What is a good one for testing soil. Actually is there one that does both liquid and soil????
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    Extreme Curling of leaves since flipping. Different Light bulb??

    Yah during th flip is when the change began, but weird that it was only in the 2 of the 3 plants. mikebass1, there watered, the 2 were flushed a few days ago.
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    Extreme Curling of leaves since flipping. Different Light bulb??

    Thanks for all the replies guys, the 2/3 look even worse today:( blahblahblah: With my soil meter it checked out as just over 7(not to sure on how accurate it is?), however I do have some ph down coming and am going to try and get it down to 6.5 next watering. jawbrodt: I was also thinking...
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    Curling down on 2/3 plants???

    mississippi it is deffinetly effecting my plants bad! My ph is a bit above 7 with my cheaper soil meter, I'm thinking it could be locking out Zinc, Iron, and Magneseium(Or simply lacking). I foliar fed with some 20-20-20 that has the above in chelated form, I'll let you know how it goes.
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    is a 250w CFL not enough?

    Can't you wire the socket to a regular lamp though, no actual ballast is reguired is there?
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    What's Happening To My Plant?

    Hmm very similar to what I'm going through right now. Here's my thread. Although my girls are only one week in flowering, and no signs of actually burnt or dead tissue.
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    Extreme Curling of leaves since flipping. Different Light bulb??

    Ever since they were flipped and fed with bud blood 6 days ago they have been curling and lack of vigor and growth, mainly(started) in new growth. Water and soil test pretty much neutral(Hair over 7) on a cheap soil meter and litmus paper. Has any one here seen anything like this? I tried...
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    Curling down on 2/3 plants???

    mississippi, It's a bit above, and the fan at the roof might help bring it up. I know what your saying though. cdreyer, They're watered about every 5 or so days, when the pot is light. I'm thinking nutes too, but I don't want to flush out the bud blood. Plus I'm curious why the smallest is now...
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    Curling down on 2/3 plants???

    Hey all, I'm clearly new to this. So these plants were flipped about 3 days ago and watered with Bud Blood(Mixed per instructions, water left out.) I'm using GH Flora series, and there LSD Fem. from seed bout 6 weeks or so now. PH is just under 7 using SM #4. Using a 250MH(for veg) and 250HPS...
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    GH Nutrient Accident

    Well here they are, the big one in the back was transplanted and fertilized 2 days ago, the two in the front(kinda droopy) were transplanted and fertilized yesturday. Both given the same amount of nutes, I guess maybe it was too much for the smaller ones. I also did talk to a GH rep, and he...
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    GH Nutrient Accident

    Bump...Should I order a new bottle?? It is Friday so I won't see it atleast 4-5days:( Should I have posted this in the General Growing section? Thanks.
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    GH Nutrient Accident

    I'm hoping it won't be but... I've been told, and on there website it says not to pre mix them:( I guess I'll see how the guinea pig turns out haha.
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    GH Nutrient Accident

    Well I done fucked up. I accidentally had to many bottles open at once and put 3ml of Flora Micro directly into a full bottle of Flora Grow.:wall::wall::wall: Well I finished up the mix with the Flora Micro, Flora (Micro/Grow) and Flora Bloom and watered one plant with this new "mix" to see...