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  1. D

    Is anyone flowering yet in BC

    In the Vancouver area. Had some pistils last weeks, I guess they're in the stretch now?
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    Ok I bought one of those 10$ loupes on amazon. 30x and 60x. what am I looking for exactly?
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    Last few days have been about 35 degrees with the plants getting 12+ hours of full sun a day. They’re cupping a bit which I figured was from the heat. Saw this powdery stuff today. Bugs? The cupping is from a day ago.
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    Manure with mineral nutrients?

    I feel like I let them get away from me. Canopy isn’t gonna even whatsoever. I tied them back a few days ago. Should I top them? The beer is for reference haha.
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    Manure with mineral nutrients?

    The tiny one is seed white widow fem. Others are island pink kush.
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    Manure with mineral nutrients?

    So far so good. Manure/“black earth”/promix hp/dolopril. Couple shots of AN ph perfect at regular strength.
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    Manure with mineral nutrients?

    Ya i'm not too worried about the whole "organic" part haha. More concerned with ph issues. Has no one done it?
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    Manure with mineral nutrients?

    I've searched but can't seem to find anything with people using manure/black earth/pro mix base and then using advance nutrients or something similar for the main fertilizer? They will be in large pots outdoors. Thanks its been many years since i've grown.
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    Dehumidifiers and heat

    WOW, this is the thread I've been looking for. So I take it you guys just have two timers, one for lights and on for the dehuidifier? What is the RH in your guys areas like, mine is upwards of 75-85% so that damn dehumidifier pumps the heat out.
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    Super Lemon Haze Journal... By: 1Puff2Puff3Puff

    Oooooh I'm excited about my 2 SLH that popped ups yesturday:) More Pics?
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    Curling leaves in flower please help.

    Nitrogen def. starts on the older leaves and turns them a solid like green/yellow.
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    Just switched from Veg to Flowering and it's not good. First Grow

    Are you certain that POS ph meter works?
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    Curling leaves in flower please help.

    Looks like mine did after I used bud blood and flipped. I flushed and a week or two later they came back but... I aslo had a rough get go, high temps, light burnt out and didn't get a replacment for like 3 weeks, and I put fresh seedlings under a 250w MH, dumb haha. I'm damn near 2 months and...
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    harvested and everything, no potency.

    I thought you wait till the trichomes are like 2/3 amber? Not the pistils?
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    Hermaphrodite? Questions (Pictures)

    Is that 12/12 from seed? Thats cute haha, what might is produce?
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    600watt HPS Cooling Question

    This. I put a 250w HPS in a 2x4x8 closet with only a 12" fan and temps got into the 90's. You MUST get the air out of the area your growing in. Oh and a 250cfm for 30$ hmmm.