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  1. C

    my grow

    here's some new pics just incase anyone is interested, i'm gonna repot it tomorrow as there is a few roots out bottom of pot now and extra space will only help it grow better
  2. C

    To flower or not to flower that is the question

    the plant is i'd just over 4 weeks old and yeah its only plant under light
  3. C

    To flower or not to flower that is the question

    yeah i think i'll keep it in veg for now maybe double it in height at mo then flower..another 2 weeks should get it there then mr bushy will be ready to flower and fill out with lots of lovely buds.its just growing node number 9 now
  4. C

    To flower or not to flower that is the question

    ok simple question do u think i should keep this going for en extra 2 weeks or just start to flower there's about 2 and a half foot or height space left any higher and light would be to close.its a indica strain not sure what kind tho and i'm growing it under a 250watt hps.any comments would be...
  5. C

    my grow

    not sure of strain as mixed up seeds but by the look of it its gonna be one bushy plant its just over 3 weeks old had some little problems with heat stress and lack of nutes but thats all sorted and its growing i'd say an inch taller every 2 to 3 days..i'm looking forward to watching this baby grow
  6. C

    Let's Make Some Ganja Music

    ok straight to the point does anyone at all make there own music on this forum if so lets hook up and get some crazy good old ganja music main thing is rapping but can also sing so dont care what kind of music you wanna make i just love getting really high and making some good old...
  7. C

    Is this plant stretching?

    get some fresh compost and repot it just incase and keep an eye on it over next few my eyes tho i would prob just start again as your not that far along anyway just yet plus its always better to strat with a healthy plant rather then a sick one
  8. C

    Is this plant stretching?

    what kind of lighting are you using and how often are you watering/feeding and if you are feeding any nutes which you should not be at this stage stop also what else are you doing
  9. C

    Is this plant stretching?

    thats a sick plant already i would not say its stretching but leaves should not be dying
  10. C

    my grow

    haha i think i figured out the problem some silly person which was probaly me had caught the timer switch so light has been on 24/7 for last three days no wonder it was so hot and dry in there i would never have notice if i did not wake up late last night needing a pee.hopefully over next few...
  11. C

    my grow

    temp ranges from 15 upto 25 been watering around 3 times a day only just gave it first plant food feed tonight,not to sure of humidity but it is quite dry in the cupboard to be honest.i'm gonna repot tomorrow just in same pots but get some perlite in there and some better compost would...
  12. C

    my grow

    ok i think i've figured out the problem but any other advice on this would be great ok at first i had a tiny lil heat stress which i fixed easily no prob, now tho i think this prob is just a plant food thing as i had up until right this minute just been feeding on water only so plant was'nt...